How Protective Are They?

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A/N: Hello all, welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

Like my PDA chapter this story will have a rating system. 1 for not protective and 10 for extremely protective. 

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson): 5

Dick can be protective if necessary (like the chapter if you're threatened better explains). He knows that you can generally protect yourself so there's no need for him to be overbearing, though if there's any chance of serious harm coming to you then be prepared for a pissed Nightwing. 

-Red Hood (Jason Todd): 9

Even though Jason knows you can take care of yourself he'll still be extremely protective. He knows it can be a lot though and tries toning it down but sometimes he just can't help himself. Anytime you're outside his view point he's asking if you're alright, he doesn't do this in a toxic "who are you with" kind of way he's just concerned for your wellbeing. He knows how dangerous the world can be, especially Gotham. 

-Harley Quinn: 4

Harley loves those she cares about with her entire being, but I feel like she would just genuinely forget to be protective. You'd tell her you're going out and her reaction would be "Have fun! Bring me something back!" Any thoughts of something happening to you are just over her head... that is unless something actually happens, then she jumps to action. 

-Red Robin (Tim Drake): 6

Though slightly more protective than Dick, Tim still knows that you're a careful person who wouldn't put themself in harm's way. He may check up on you from time to time, but he generally just leaves you be until you get back to him. In which he'll ask questions about how it went, just to make sure everything went smoothly. 

-Poison Ivy: 7

Ivy's protectiveness doesn't stop you from living but she'd be more comfortable if she went with you most the time. If she can't make it, she'd be happier if someone tagged along with you (even Harley). As a criminal herself she knows the thought process of other criminals, it makes her stress knowing you could be a target which is the main cause of her protective nature. 

-Raven: 7

Once Raven cares for you she cares HARD. If there's any chance of harm coming to you, she wouldn't feel comfortable with you leaving her side. You understand how hard it is for her to express how she feels so you get that her protectiveness is just a way she shows her love. 

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson): 10

Do not leave this man's side. Considering his job is literally murdering people, he knows that there's always a chance you may be in danger. If you absolutely insist on going out just know Slade will be by your side the entire time. If you'd rather he doesn't follow you around, he will be contacting you (either a text or call) every half hour. He doesn't do it to be overbearing (he knows it is though), he does it because he's genuinely worried about you. He would never forgive himself if something happened to you because of his career choice. 

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes): 6

Similarly, to Tim, Jaime knows logically that you can handle yourself most the time. There's always just a small part of him that would still rather have you update him once and while, just so he can keep his peace of mind. 

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