If You Overwork Yourself

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A/N: The hypocrisy in this one is real. Thanks for reading <3

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

Dick see's the patterns of you staying up late to work while taking care of your personal needs less and less. He's guilty of doing the same things in his past so he knows the mental toll it can have on a person. His tactic for getting you to stop is to interrupt your work repeatedly until you just give up on it and finally take time off.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

Jason will actually start getting angry at you if you start overworking yourself, he knows its TECHNICALLY not your fault (it sort of is) but he still can't help it. Though him getting angry is actually your indicator that tells you when enough is enough. I suppose props to Jason's anger issues.

-Harley Quinn:

Harley usually has her head in the clouds and tends to fail to notice you overworking yourself. She won't know until it's too late, usually after you crash and burn. After this she'll be all over you making sure you take good care of yourself until you recover.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

Though Tim knows he has no place to talk about overworking oneself, he still hates to see you fall into his same patterns. He'll quite literally throw you over his shoulder to stop your self-destruction. He also tends to ban all caffeinated products from you until you finally get some well-earned rest.

-Poison Ivy:

Ivy pulls a sneaky move when she sees you overworking yourself. She'd create something to make you sleepy and effectively knock you out. She honestly feels no remorse in doing this, she'd rather have you a little mad at her than dead.


Raven gets extremely worried for you when you start staying up later than normal just to finish up work that can most definitely wait until the next morning. Though not the most moral solution, Raven will use her powers to put you to sleep, not long, just long enough for you to get some needed sleep.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

Slade uses the same tactic as Dick, distracting you. I'll let you use your imagination for this one...

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

Jaime will get extremely worried for you to the point of his entire family having to hear about how late you've been staying up and how much you're overworking yourself. Regardless of this it's not actually Jaime that gets you to stop working, it his madre. Considering you're dating Jaime she's gotten to know you pretty well and thankfully she absolutely loves you. Having said this, when she hears that you're not taking care of yourself let's just say she shuts that down real fast.

A/N: Remember if you're interested in art to please consider checking out my TikTok or Instagram, both under the username its.leahs.art

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