You Fall Asleep On Them

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A/N: This one makes me lonely lmao. Enjoy!!

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

You tend to fall asleep on his lap whenever you guys watch movies together. When this happens Dick becomes a statue, he will do nothing that risks you waking up. If he absolutely NEEDS to move, then he'd gently shake you and whisper kind words into your ear until you move off him.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

Though Jason seems like he wouldn't care if you woke up, if you happen to fall asleep on him, he will immediately maneuver himself so that he can cuddle with you and fall asleep himself. This has gained him teasing from a certain Robin in the past...

-Harley Quinn:

I don't think Harley has ever been still a moment in her life so if you fall asleep on her at any point, you're probably not staying that way. It's not that she doesn't think it's the cutest thing ever, she just can't help herself but to wiggle around.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

You fall asleep on Tim most usually when he's engrossed in his work. Whenever you want his attention, you'll simply lean on him until you inevitably pass out. When this happens Tim fondly rolls his eyes before carefully moving enough so that he can grab and carry you to bed.

-Poison Ivy:

Ivy loves when you fall asleep on her. She just loves to see someone so comfortable being vulnerable around her, she'll try her best not to wake you but sometimes she just can't help but shift a bit. If you happen to wake, Ivy will sooth you back to sleep any way she can.


Raven will be extremely embarrassed if you fall asleep on her, though this doesn't mean she'll wake you. She would either nap with you or start reading to distract herself.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

Once Slade notices that you've fallen asleep on him, he'd roll his eyes before carefully moving you into a more comfortable position. This being either in his lap or to a bed, depending on the time of day. If you wake up during this point Slade would simply grumble at you to "go back to sleep my treasure."

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

Jaime would find your sleeping state absolutely adorable. If you fall asleep while around others, he would 100% shush them that way you stay asleep. If you're not around people, he would move the both of you around that way he can sleep with you.

A/N: Remember requests are open and to please comment and vote, I'd appreciate it 💙

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