What Your Family Thinks Of Them

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A/N: In this scenario I will be using generic terms (parents and sibling) also sorry but you'll also be forced to have one sibling in this story. Just to make it a little more interesting!

Sorry I didn't break this one into a list format- it just didn't work well for this preference.

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

Your family absolutely adores Dick, they can clearly see how much he loves and cares for you in everything he does. From the way he looks at you to the way he holds out your chair for you, it's clear. Your parents are his biggest supporters and even hang out with just Dick on some occasions (not often but still). Your sibling thinks Dick is hilarious and in classic sibling fashion, wonders how the hell you got him for yourself.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

At first your parents were extremely wary of Jason, just because he was extremely shy and nervous when first meeting everyone which made him come off as rude and somewhat standoffish. Thankfully after a couple more meetings Jason managed to woo everyone in your family, you even joke that he made your sibling fall for him.

-Harley Quinn:

When you first told Harley that you wanted her to meet your family she immediately planned on acting as normal as she possibly could. She didn't want to scare anyone and make them think that she's not good enough for you. However, this plan quickly goes downhill when you notice how strange Harley's acting. You're quick to tell her to act as she normally would which most definitely weirded out your family but you'd rather have her be herself than lie.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

Tim, ever the businessman, managed to wow your family by acing as civil and polite as possible.  It honestly creeped you out when he first started speaking to your parents, it's definitely a side of him you hate seeing. You tried telling him to not act so strange when with your family, but now Tim just thinks it's funny to annoy you by acting that way.

-Poison Ivy:

Ivy was extremely nervous to meet your family for the first time, considering she's green and a well known "villain". She can't exactly hide that part of herself like most can. When your family first saw her they immediately pulled you aside and questioned all of your life decisions. You managed to convince them to at least give her a try, in which they reluctantly agreed. Thankfully using her natural charisma and charm, Ivy managed to make everyone like her.


Raven isn't much of a people person so she avoided meeting your family for as long as she possibly could. Eventually you convinced her, sadly it didn't go super well. Raven being naturally dry and sarcastic managed to make your parents hate her and your sibling love her. Let's just say the rest of your family gatherings either Raven refuses to go or your parents aren't happy campers.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

Slade was not exactly willing to make your family like him so he just acted like he normally does when first meeting everyone. He's not about to fake a personality to get some random people to like him, you already love him which is all he cares about. This obviously lead to your parents absolutely hating him, they think he's rude and plain old mean to you. You tried telling them it's just how he talks, but they were having none of it. Your sibling liked him at first though they also eventually started to dislike him. Slade even tried to apologize to you for his behavior, which you were quick to wave away considering he was just being himself, even if that means being an asshole on a good day.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

Jaime is a very cheerful and family oriented person so he knows how much a good first impression means. He didn't act any different than he normally does when first meeting everyone. Your parents love him- they think he's extremely charming and good for you. Your sibling thought he was kind of a suck up... and they weren't 100% wrong. He did try very hard to get your entire family to like him, and it did end up paying off.

-Talia Al Ghul:

When you first introduced Talia to your family, you absolutely insisted that Damien came along. He's important in both Talia's life and your own. Your parents thought it was unwise to be with someone who already had a child, but Damien managed to sway that mindset very fast. Meanwhile your sibling thinks Talia is too serious most of the time, which is true, though this thankfully doesn't stop your sibling from liking her. It's clear to see the love Talia holds for you and her son meaning everyone approves.

A/N: We're slowly getting to the end of this book!

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