When They're Drunk

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A/N: Everyone in this chapter is 21 years or older, I do NOT condone underaged drinking.

Also, if you don't like alcohol or you can't even drink then feel free to skip this chapter.

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson): Cuddly Drunk

*Dick is already normally a cuddly person but adding alcohol to the mix just makes it 10 times worse. He'd be all over you, trying to get your attention and hugging you every few seconds. It's pretty cute, but somewhat hard to explain when you're in public.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd): Mean Drunk

*You and Jason only drank together once and it ended in multiple very heavy argument's. He practically stopped drinking after this. He would only drink on very rare occasions and only if he knew you wouldn't be around.

-Harley Quinn: Chaotic Drunk

*When Harley drinks she's like a literal tornado. She flies around the room, practically shaking in her boots. She also stays in this state until every drop of alcohol leaves her system, in which she promptly crashes.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake): Sleepy Drunk

*Tim is passed out after about 2 drinks. Absolutely nothing can wake him and even though you know alcohol is terrible for you, sometimes you wish he'd drink a LITTLE more just so he can get some well earned sleep. Despite this, you obviously don't encourage him to drink.

-Poison Ivy: Flirty Drunk

*Considering Ivy is extremely flirty while sober, it makes sense for her to be worse when drunk. Thankfully she sticks to flirting with you, even if you're both out in public. Though drunk, she still knows what's appropriate and what's not. This means if you don't appreciate her advances she'd get the hint.

-Raven: Jealous Drunk

*If you're in a bar drinking, I wish you the best of luck because Raven will not tolerate ANYONE looking your way. You'd most definitely have to drag her away from all people before she actually murders someone. You tend to drink together in the comforts of your own home.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson): Cannot Get Drunk

*Boring I know but due to the serum that made him enhanced, he burns through alcohol faster than it can hit him. Though if he could get drunk I picture him either being a jealous drunk or a flirty drunk.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes): Sad Drunk

*Jaime starts questioning his entire existence until he gets super depressed. You'd have to help him stop his spiraling by answering all of his questions and promptly reassuring him as well. It's not exactly a fun time for you... or him.

-Talia Al Ghul: Crisis Drunk

*When Talia gets drunk she starts to question everything, her entire life is under fire. Most the time she questions very dumb things- such as can dogs feel things? This leaves her feeling extremely stupid every time she's drunk around you, but you think it's hilarious and sort of adorable to see the big bad assassin wondering about ants.

A/N: This was a fun one to write lol

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