You Jokingly Call Them Your Husband/Wife

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A/N: Here's a chapter for all the people single on Valentine's Day once again! 🖤 We are now each other's Valentine's, I'm sorry but it's non negotiable.

Feel free to request more of these "prank" scenarios for me to write! <3

Let me know if you prefer the list format or my usual "paragraph" format.

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

*Dick is blushing immediately and has to prosses for a second

*Once he finishes processing, he just stares at you with a bewildered look

*"Did you just call me your husband?" He's so confused

*You of course deny, and he just looks at you a moment longer before finally going back to what he was originally doing

*He'd look at you with a calculating look in his eye for the rest of the day

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

*Jason actually gets sad when he hears you call him your husband- even though he knows you're just messing with him

*He wants so badly to marry you, but he doesn't see himself as good enough

*His mind wanders long after your joke, though of course he hides this from you

*He'd be lost in his own head thinking over the pros and cons of marrying you... or in his mind all the cons of YOU marrying HIM

*Eventually he comes to terms with wanting you in his life forever and he knows if you really wanted to leave, you would

-Harley Quinn:

*Harley becomes borderline hysterical after hearing you call her your wife

*She'd pull you into a bone crushing hug before skipping out of the room- the only thing on her mind being to put a ring on your finger

*She's gone so fast that you worry for her sanity... more so than usual

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

*Genuinely has to think back on if you guys ARE actually married or not and he's just forgetting somehow

*After finally recalling that you two have in fact NOT gotten married his only response is "what?"

*You only smile at him causing his cheeks to redden before he shrugs off your weird behavior

*If he starts looking at wedding rings soon after this, well that's no one's business but his

-Poison Ivy:

*She doesn't even flinch or pause for a second

*She'd only look up at you and smirk before directing her gaze somewhere else

*Ivy really just rolls with it; she'd also start calling you her wife/husband after this


*Raven completely freezes when she hears you call her your wife

*She stands there for a good long while before abruptly teleporting away

*She doesn't do this because she's opposed to the idea, she only does this out of sheer embarrassment

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

*Slade's immediate response is to laugh- wholeheartedly

*Once he composes himself, he'd grab you by the waist to pull you in close

*"If you want to marry me, just say so."

*Your teasing 100% backfires but at least the idea of marriage is now in his head... at least more than it was before

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

*His face turns red SOOO fast

*You even manage to stun Khaji Da- who is always listening in on your conversations

*His first thought is to ask Khaji Da to confirm if he heard you right

*After this confirmation he stares at you with wide eyes before blurting out "I'd love to be your husband."

*This isn't him proposing, merely him accepting reality

-Talia Al Ghul:

*Before you even make the joke Talia has already been thinking about marriage

*Her response would just be "when's the wedding beauty?"

*Instead of her becoming the flustered one, you end up with a red face

A/N: Thank you so much for 5k reads and remember if you like art to please consider checking out my TikTok or Instagram, both under the username

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