You Both Get Lost In The Woods

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A/N: No I will not give any context as to why you're lost in the woods...
Thank you for 4K! 🖤 I love and appreciate you all.

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

Dick stays calm on the outside to not stress you out as well, though on the inside he's in panic mode. He doesn't want anything to happen to you while you're both lost in the woods. He'd discreetly alert Batman to your location to have him pick the two of you up.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

Jason won't even tell you that he got you lost, he'd just confidently lead you further into the woods without a single idea on where you're going. Once you finally catch on you'd chastise him before turning heel and going into the opposite direction. Jason wouldn't even feel bad because he got to spend the afternoon with you alone.

-Harley Quinn:

You and Harley would be hiking along before she abruptly stops and announces that she has no idea where the two of you are. She'd start freaking out and running around like mad so you'd have to calm her down before trying to find a quick way out of the woods.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

Tim will stay completely calm once he notices just how lost the two of you are. He'd find the tracker he KNOWS Bruce has hidden somewhere on his person and he'd hack into it to send him an SOS signal. 

-Poison Ivy:

You're actually the one to get the both of you lost. When you sheepishly tell Ivy this she'd scoff out a laugh before replying "my flower, you know I'm one with nature right?" She'd promptly use her powers to shoot off into the air to get a better view on where civilization may be. After this she'd be quick to lead you back through the woods while teasing you all the while.


Raven practically never panics or can even get lost. Meaning when you announce to her that you have no idea where you guys are, she'd just take your hand and teleport you back home without even breaking a sweat.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

I feel Slade is incapable of getting lost so you're the one to drag Slade off into the woods and you're definitely the one to get the two of you lost. When you tell Slade this he full on cackles at you before pulling you into a quick kiss and then using his advanced hearing to help lead you out from the woods.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

Jaime only realizes he's gotten you lost when you pass the same dead patch of grass for the 5th time. He expects you to be mad at him when he tells you this information, but you just smile and turn to look at his back. "You think Khaji Da could help?" Jaime is about to respond "no, he hates being helpful" (more as a joke) when Khaji Da suddenly takes control and starts walking away. You're quick to follow and you're both out of the woods within 3 minutes.

-Talia Al Ghul:

Right when you declare that you've lost your way Talia is cracking up. She knows where the both of you are at all times, she's simply good at directions like that. She wont tell you this though, she's going to see how long it takes for you to admit defeat.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading. I've got about 11 more chapters ready to go and I may do a small wedding series to end off this book- unless anyone has some requests they want done! Until next time please remember to consider checking out my TikTok or instagram if you like art. Both under the username

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