When You're Injured

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A/N: Were talking something non-fatal but something harsher than a paper cut.

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

Dick will most likely take you to the hospital, as himself not Nightwing. He'll probably also lie to the hospital staff and say that you're married so they let him through just so he can comfort you. He doesn't even regret it later on when the paparazzi catches word of this and spreads the fake news.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

Considering Jason Todd is technically dead, meaning the hospital isn't exactly an option, so he's patching you up himself. He hates seeing you hurt and in pain so it may take him a few seconds to stop his hands from shaking but once he does this, its smooth sailing. You should also be prepared because he's babying you for at LEAST 2 weeks after.

-Harley Quinn:

P.A.N.I.C. Harley will have no clue what to do with herself as she's too busy freaking out. You'll have to calm her down and convince her to call someone to help you out since she's in no condition to do it herself. Eventually she'll call either Ivy or The Riddler (two smart people) to come patch you up.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

Tim is a very professional person, but when you get hurt all of that flies out the window. So much so that he doesn't trust himself to fix you up so he's bringing you to Alfred as fast as he can, that way he can patch you up instead. He'll sit with you the entire time and hold your hand to offer you some form of comfort.

-Poison Ivy:

Ivy stays nice and calm when you get injured (she's definitely internally panicking though). She patches you up herself since hospitals aren't exactly an option as there's no way for her to disguise herself. The whole time she's helping you she's speaking soothing words and trying to keep you from feeling too much pain.


Raven isn't the best at first aid so she's actually bringing you to Nightwing that way he can patch you up for her. She would bring you to a hospital but.... no. While Nightwing is patching you up she'll allow for you to lean against her shoulder for comfort and so you don't accidently watch what Nightwing's doing.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

When you first get hurt Slade actually hesitates on what to do for a moment, which he never does, ever. Thankfully he quickly jumps into action and brings you to a hospital even though he hates going out in public. When you first arrive to the hospital, and they try getting him to sit down in the waiting room while you're wheeled into the back, he's 100% threating them until they let him see you.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

Jaime will either let Khaji Da or his Madre help fix you up. It's usually Khaji Da because they're obviously the faster option but sometimes Khaji Da refuses because they're scared to mess up. No matter who helps you, Jaime is sitting beside you and rubbing soothing circles on your back to help you that little bit.

A/N: Please let me know if there's any grammar or spelling mistakes.

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