A Mercenary Is Sent After You

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A/N: Somewhat correlates with my pervious "Someone Threatens You" chapter. I seriously love this one lol. I hope you guys feel the same <3

ALSO PLEASE ANSWER THIS: Would you guys prefer more of this format, or should I stick with my normal paragraph-like formatting?

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

*Prepare for one extremely pissed Nightwing

*Dick doesn't condone extreme violence, but he may make an exception for whoever put the hit on you

*He'd even be willing to pay off the mercenary just to keep you safe

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

*When Jason gets really angry, he practically becomes numb to everything

*He won't even let you know that someone has a hit out for you, he'll just take care of it quietly

*If there's two less people in Gotham come the following days... no one will notice...right?

-Harley Quinn:

*At first Harley's confused "why would anyone want you dead?" Then she remembers who you're dating and it makes a little more sense 

*All Harley will do is find the mercenary and annoy them until they decide to leave you alone

*This may send them after her but at least they're no longer after you

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

*Tim actually laughs when he finds out someone put a hit on you, how stupid can they be?

*His first instinct is to maim the people responsible but that's too far for his morals

*His second instinct is to find the mercenary and pay them double to take out whoever sent them after you instead

-Poison Ivy:

*Ivy won't go after anyone herself, but she'll be extremely protective of you for a few weeks (minimum)

*She'll most likely send Harley or one of her friends to figure out who sent the hit and the mercenary who's after you

*After gaining this information she'll sneak out one night to "take care of business" and return to you acting like nothing happened at all


*Raven knows she's meant to be a hero... but she takes the responsibility of taking care of you VERY seriously... plus she's a demon so if she "accidently" finds who sent the mercenary after you and "accidently" throws them off a roof then oh well

*She may get a chewing out by Dick when he eventually finds out but that's a problem for future her

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

*The person who wanted to put the hit on you, called Slade to do it... that person got 5 full minutes of Deathstroke laughing in their face before they were never seen again...

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

*Jaime will become extremely scared and paranoid that something could happen to you at any moment

*He'll seek out the mercenary and try convincing them to change their mind

*He'd even beg Batman or Nightwing to help him pay the mercenary off if necessary

A/N: Remember if you're interested in art to please consider checking out my TikTok or Instagram, both under the username its.leahs.art

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