You Trip On Thin Air

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A/N: Thank you so much for 13k reads! <3

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

*Dick enters mother hen mode right away.

*Asking if you're okay or if you've hurt yourself.

*It won't even register until much later that you managed to trip on nothing at all.

*Even then he won't mention it besides a quiet chuckle to himself because the mans a saint.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

*He's absolutely cracking up with zero remorse.

*Give him a couple minutes, he'll help you up eventually.

*If you genuinely get hurt or embarrassed, he'll snap out of it FAST.

-Harley Quinn:

*Harley knows how much it can suck to be the center of attention when it's unwarranted.

*This means Harley is THROWING herself onto the floor to distract from your small trip up. 

*Even if there's only one other person around who could've seen you trip, she's making sure they focus on her and not you. 

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

*Tim isn't even remotely phased.

*He'd politely ask if you're alright before quickly moving on.

*If for some reason you're still embarrassed by it then he'd purposely "trip" as well, just to make you feel a little better. 

-Poison Ivy:

*Same as Tim, Ivy does not focus on it.

*She'd steady you, ask if you're alright, and begin walking again.

*If she holds your hand a little tighter from then on, well that's no one's business.


*Raven will just continue on as if nothing happened.

*Not because she doesn't care but because she knows that you'd hate for someone to draw attention to it.

*She doesn't want you feeling shy or upset just because she witnessed it.  

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

*Slade will 100% chuckle, though he'd try hiding it with a cough.

*He won't completely lose it like Jason, and he'd help you steady yourself right away.

*He's also definitely going to bring up you tripping on nothing later in the day. 

*He loves just loves teasing you.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

*Jaime lowkey thinks it's one of the funniest things ever but he'd try VERY hard not to laugh.

*He'd help you gather your wits before promptly disappearing so that he can laugh without upsetting you.

*He just has a terrible (amazing) sense of humor. 

-Talia Al Ghul:

*Talia won't even let you completely stumble, she'd catch you before you can. 

*She sees you about to trip and quickly steady's you instinctively.  

*It ends up causing more of a scene then it would've if you'd just tripped but that's fine, it shows she cares.

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