They Catch You Staring

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A/N: You're caught staring with "loving eyes" in this story, not as if you're judging them.

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

Once Dick catches sight of your loved filled eyes he's done. His face will immediately turn bright red and if you even try speaking to him, he's stuttering through his sentences. He feels extremely honored that he gets to catch your attention in such a way.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

Though your staring makes Jason slightly uncomfortable, he knows you're only looking because you love and care for him. He'll still probably avoid eye contact and mumble for you to "knock it off".

-Harley Quinn:

Harley's immediate thought is 'oh were having a staring contest' she will simply stare back at you until you ask her what the heck she's doing. Now she's also confused. It's really just a confusing affair.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

Tim catches you staring at him almost every day so he's practically immune to it and it rarely phases him. Though on occasion if he's really not expecting it or he's having a bad day he'll crack a large smile in response before going back to whatever he was doing prior.

-Poison Ivy:

Ivy lives for your attention, yeah other people's attention is fine, but it's nothing in comparison to yours. Just knowing that the reason you're staring has to do with more than her looks makes her flustered in a way many people can't manage to make her feel.


Once Raven catches you staring at her she'll cover her beat red face for a few minutes before peeking out to see if you're still looking at her. If you aren't she'll uncover her face and act like nothing happened, if you're still looking, she'll cover her face again and ask for you to stop.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

If Slade catches you looking at him just know he's going to do one of two things. He's either going to subtly show off or start teasing you for looking at him. No matter the method he chooses he's trying to make you embarrassed instead of him getting flustered.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

Jaime, like Dick, will immediately feel embarrassed but instead of showing that embarrassment, he pulls the classic move by acting nonchalant and saying things such as "I know I'm good looking but it's no reason to stare" or "Take a picture it'll last longer". You and him both know this is just his way of not blushing for 3 hours straight.

A/N: Remember if you're interested in art please consider checking out my TikTok or Instagram, both under the username

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