First, I Love You

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A/N: Finally a longer one guys! Sorry for the small delay I was recently introduced to and now I like to annoy AI characters in my free time lol. Enjoy!

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

Just like when Dick asks you out, his confession would be romantic. He'd completely reserve the classiest restaurant in Bludhaven, as he knows you're not the biggest fan of crowds. The whole time you're there he'd be extremely obvious that somethings on his mind, zoning out at random times and rambling about nothing important. Eventually Dick will randomly blurt out how much he loves you. Even if it didn't go exactly how he planned your smile would make it worth the embarrassment.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

Jason telling you he loves you would 100% be a spur of the moment decision. It'd be after he just had a fight with B. Whenever this happens, he heads right to you, you always manage to make him feel better. You're in the middle of ranting about how much Bruce's parenting methods piss you off when he interrupts your speech to tell you he loves you.

-Harley Quinn:

Harley would most likely off handily confess to you as she's talking about her latest crime. It would go something like this...

"So, I'd just broken down the vault door when Brucie jumped in front of me absolutely coming out of nowhere! He was all like 'Harley what're you doing?' And I was like 'oh nothing...' I don't think he bought it though because next thing I knew he was throwing punches and trying to send me back to go 'ol Arkham again. I couldn't let that happen though because then I couldn't see you and I love you so I got out of there as fast as I could and now, I'm here... :D"

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

Tim's confession would be similar to Harley's only because he also wouldn't even realize he confessed until you tell him. He would be half asleep, working over a stack of papers when you begin cleaning up his stuff. His brain isn't processing anything when you help him stand and walk to his bedroom. You lay him down, kiss his forehead, and even cover him with blankets before going to leave. Right as you reach the door Tim will mumble something along the lines of "you're so great, love you..."

-Poison Ivy:

Ivy will tell you her true feelings very casually. She's known for a while how she feels about you, it's just a matter of actually saying it out loud. She'd be holding you in her arms as your doze off when she says she loves you. You probably don't even hear it but after this she's throwing confessions out left and right, much to your embarrassment.


Raven will be in the middle of reading a romance book when she's struck by the thought of telling you she loves you- which she does. It'll take her some time to grow the courage to say anything of the sort but once she does, you'll be working by yourself when she appears behind you. She'll scare the hell out of you when she confesses before disappearing from your sight. You'd have to hunt her down to be able to say it back...

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

In true Slade fashion, his confession will be after an argument. After offhandedly making a comment about his missing eye (nothing hurtful just curious about it) Slade will snap at you for being nosey. Obviously, you're not going to take that, so you state how you were just wondering about it. He'll deny telling you anything until Slade eventually calms down enough to talk about how he lost his eye- his ex-wife. This brings you to his confession, still reeling from the fight he'd tell you how he "never loved her like he loves you."

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

Jaime will struggle to tell you he loves you for about a month before you get critically injured during an attack on the city. During your stay at the hospital Jaime never leaves your side, staying with you until the workers kick him out or his family makes him take a shower. Thankfully you wake up soon after. This is when Jaime would gently pull you into an embrace before whispering his confession.

A/N: How romantic.... Anyways!
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