The Wedding

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A/N: This is it people... the moment you've all been waiting for... the end! (Though please read the next chapter I beg)

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

*Dick wants the day to be absolutely magical for the both of you.

*He also wants to do many of the traditional things (i.e not seeing each other the night before, flower toss, etc)

*Your families both attend- though his family is much rowdier than yours.

*After you seal the deal he won't ever stop calling you his wife/husband... EVER. Anytime he speaks about you it's "my wife/husband this, my wife/husband that."

*(It pisses Jason off which is mostly why he does it.) Though he also just likes to show you off.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

*Jason adamantly refused to have a big wedding.

*He insisted on it just being your family and his brothers (plus Alfred).

*He basically wants to get hitched and immediately go on your honeymoon. He doesn't care about the fancy crap as long as he can call you his forever. (In a cute way lol)

*He'll be sociable and obviously very happy at the wedding but you both know he's itching to leave.

*It's the most smiley anyone has ever seen Jason. Damien, of course, thinks it's unnerving.

-Harley Quinn:

*Harley and you decide to elope. Neither of you really want friends and family involved.

*You and Harley even make Ivy become a legal priest just to marry you both- mainly because Ivy has been a wonderful friend throughout it all (for Harley especially).

*You practically get married, talk to Ivy for about 30 minutes, and then leave for your honeymoon.

*It's just what the two of you wanted.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

*Considering you're marrying Tim Drake, Co. CEO of Wayne Enterprises, a huge wedding is basically mandatory.

*You both decide on having one "faux" wedding for the public and then your real wedding hidden away from prying eyes.

*Your REAL wedding is a cute and small affair with only friends and family. (It's basically a bunch of superhero's and then your family)

*The wedding is actually held in the Batcave, just for the extra security.

*The day is mostly filled with Tim's brothers in disbelief that he's getting married before any of them.

-Poison Ivy:

*You and Ivy decide on not getting legally married at all. (Married in every way besides on paper)

*You do this for a number of reasons. 1) Ivy is a wanted criminal 2) You just want a cute ceremony with just the two of you where you can exchange vows and be together 3) IVY IS A WANTED CRIMINAL

*You were debating on just having a friend marry the both of you but decided it wasn't necessary.

*You guys tell people you're married, therefore, you're married.


*Raven does not want any type of ceremony and you're cool with doing whatever she's comfortable with.

*You settle on a small wedding with just your family and the guests Raven decided on inviting (The Titans, and maybe a few other random hero's)

*Though your family is quite concerned when they get there and the wedding color scheme is all dark colors.

*You both don't follow any of the traditions and just do what you want before getting legally married.

*Bonus: She has Dick walk her down the aisle.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

*Slade absolutely just wants to elope.

*He doesn't care about the ceremony or pleasing the guests at a wedding (plus your family isn't a fan of him) he just wants to be with you for the rest of his (your) life.

*You both decide to just go on a honeymoon and during said honeymoon you both exchange rings, vows, and immediately call it a day.

*You make it just as romantic as any normal wedding would be, just without any of the other people.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

*Jaime and you being the family oriented people you are, have a huge wedding with family members galore.

*Its honestly overwhelming during some parts but you pull though, together.

*Like Dick, Jamie wants to do many of the traditional things so you incorporate those into the ceremony.

*At the end of the day you're both exhausted, though happy, and excited to go on your honeymoon to spend some time away from people.

-Talia Al Ghul:

*Talia doesn't see the need for a huge ceremony or want a huge ceremony.

*You decide on just eloping by yourselves, with Damien of course.

*Damien, who is very excited at the prospect of you marrying his mother, insisted on helping during all parts of the ceremony.

*Talia and your "honeymoon" is just a vacation for you guys and Damien, because of course you can't leave the kid behind.

*Him being there just makes your marriage feel all the more real and special.

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