When You Get Jealous

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A/N: PSA: Characters like Slade and Jason are great to write and read about but if you find people like them in the real world. Run. Don't date or even speak to Slade's and Jason's. Just some friendly advice from your dear author. -Lee

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

You and Dick have a very healthy relationship where communication is always present so whenever you're starting to feel jealous, you're never scared to tell him. Once you let him know that his behavior, whatever it may be, is making you feel bad he'd feel terrible and would be quick to reassure you and fix his mistake.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

If you went to Jason to tell him about the jealousy you're feeling, he'd 100% tease you about it. He'd be absolutely ruthless, only stopping when he can see that he's genuinely hurting your feelings in which he'd do a 180 and start comforting you. He mainly just can't believe someone as amazing as you is getting jealous over another.

-Harley Quinn:

Harley genuinely thinks it's funny when you're jealous, not because she thinks how you feel is irrelevant or meaningless, just because she doesn't see any reason for you to be jealous. Harley is completely enamored by you and will wildly shout this at you if you express any jealousy towards her actions.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

Tim can always tell when you're feeling jealous, no matter how you try hiding it. This means if he sees that look on your face, he's dropping whatever he's doing or abruptly leaving a conversation just to comfort you.

-Poison Ivy:

The only thing confessing your jealousy to Ivy will do is boost her ego a bit. Of course, she'll assure you that you have no need to feel that way, though not without some teasing.


You never have the chance to get jealous of how others interact with Raven because she doesn't entertain anyone else speaking/flirting with her, but you.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

Of course, Slade finds it lowkey arou- amusing. He'd chat it up with people and allow them to flirt with him once and awhile just to get you riled up. Thankfully, he doesn't do this often, as he doesn't actually want you mad at him.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

When you tell Jaime you're jealous he actually doesn't believe you and thinks you're messing with him. You have to explain it a few more times for it to get through his thick head. After a brief moment of panic for not believing you, Jaime would shower you in affection to hopefully help dispel your negative emotions.

-Talia Al Ghul:

The only people Talia even gives the time of day is you, Damien, and her father. This means finding yourself jealous in your relationship is beyond rare and when it does happen she's quick to call you silly and remove any worries you may have.

A/N: As always if you like art please consider checking out my TikTok or Instagram- both under the username its.leahs.art

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