You Get Scared Watching A Movie

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A/N: I love scary movies! Thank you so much for almost 8k reads! It means the world!!!

Also if anyone plays BG3 on the Ps5 and has no friends that play and wants to do a multiplayer play-through message me!! (Warning: I mostly play for the amazing story, I'm not the best at turn based combat, though I'm definitely no longer the worse. I've only ever played on Explorer mode... so keep that in mind lol) -Lee

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

*When Dick first feels you jump, he's immediately on high alert.

*After he reaches the conclusion that it was only the movie that scared you, he'd quietly chuckle before pulling you into a brief hug to calm you down.

*LOTS of cuddles to make up for laughing at you.

*He'd honestly just think you're adorable.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

*Jason already has you in his arms when he feels you jump and burrow yourself further into him.

*He just scoffs and rolls his eyes, not out of annoyance.

*He doesnt understand why you always want to watch movies that you're scared of.

*And if he soothingly rubs your arms to offer some form of silent comfort then no one has to say anything.

-Harley Quinn:

*Whenever you get scared while watching movies just know that Harley is right there with you.

*She jumps at the same parts you jump at.

*You just hold onto each other wishing for the movie to be over.

*You both always end up questioning why the hell you decided to watch a horror movie in the first place.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

*Like Harley, Tim will be right with you jumping, but unlike her, he'd still find it amusing when you jump.

*He'd smile though he's quick to hide it if you look towards him.

*He doesnt want you thinking that he's laughing at you (he kind of is), he mainly finds your actions cute.

-Poison Ivy:

*Even though Ivy isn't the biggest fan of horror movies, every once and awhile she'd insist on watching one just so she can comfort you when you end up scared.

*She loves when you hide in her arms that way she can soothe you with kind words.

*It makes her feel powerful in a way only you can make her feel.


*Raven ONLY watches scary movies, so you tend to somewhat dread movie nights.

*You never tell her this though.

*You spend most of the movie under Raven's cloak with hands covering your ears, Ravens hands that is.

*Whenever she sees the movie taking a toll on you, she'd carefully cover your ears that way you calm down just a little bit.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

*If you begin getting scared at a FAKE movie, Slade is 100% laughing at you.

*He doesnt even really care if you get offended as he laughs at your fear.

*He thinks it's silly to get scared over something that isn't even real.

*If you happen to get spooked while watching something based on a true story, then he'd be a little more understanding.

*To soothe you he'd just say something like, "nothing could ever hurt you while I'm here."

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

*Jaime will try avoiding scary movies because he hates when you jump and get scared during them.

*He doesn't mind scary movies but he doesn't exactly like them either.

*If you absolutely insist, he'd do everything in his power to comfort you when you inevitably get spooked.

*Though he's usually just as spooked.

-Talia Al Ghul:

*Even if Talia hasn't watched the film you're both watching, she always seems to know when the jump scares will occur.

*It probably has to do with her training as a literal assassin.

*This makes watching movies with her somewhat of a one way experience because you're scared out of your mind meanwhile she's absolutely fine.

*She thinks your fear is somewhat silly though she'd always comfort you as if you'd been through something terrible.

A/N: As ALWAYS if you're interested in art please consider checking out my TikTok or Instagram, both under the username

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