Someone Flirts With Them

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A/N: Somewhat of a short one, apologies.

Nightwing (Dick Grayson):
•Dick would get extremely uncomfortable
•If you're around he'd probably wrap an arm around you to send a clear signal
•In the odd case the person doesn't take the hint, he'll tell them straight up that he's not interested and happy taken

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):
•Would low-key be flattered
•He would never flirt back but he'd allow it until a certain point
•If they ever try laying a hand on him, he'd snap
•He'd also snap if they continuously flirt with him for a long period of time, this is when he'd find you and most likely begin making out with you

-Harley Quinn:
•Flirting (unless by you) completely flies over her head
•You'd have to point out the fact that someone is definitely flirting with her
•She'd then loudly announce that she's taken to the entire room

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):
•Tim will try ignoring the person flirting
•If they persist he'd simply walk away
•In the event they follow him, he'd begin talking to you as if the other person doesn't even exist
•He seriously hates people trying to get with him

-Poison Ivy:
•Ivy's used to people flirting with her, she sort of thrives off it
•You generally have to pull HER away from the person, not because she plans on cheating but because she will sit there forever just to receive more compliments

•Raven will teleport away... that's it

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):
•Slade rarely has this issue considering how intimidating he is
•The last person to flirt with him ran away crying so it's safe to say he won't be indulging in anyone else anytime soon

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):
•Jaime gets really uncomfortable just like Dick
•He'd immediately walk away to find you and if you happen to not be around he'd find a random person and being acting like he knows them
•Jaime will honestly do anything to get away from a persistent flirter

A/N: Thanks for reading! Remember to check out my Instagram and TikTok if you like art, both under the username

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