Texts They Send You

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A/N: This will have a similar format to the random things they say chapter. BOLD is them and Italics are you. Thanks for reading 💙

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

"What do you want for dinner tonight?"

"I accidently washed my suit with the rest of the clothes. I'm gonna need a new suit."


"Remember I love you."

"Sometimes I think Alfred is actually an immortal being who is simply posing as a butler..."

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

"Did you know a number of explosives makes a firework effect?"

"What did you blow up???"

"You're about to hear something crash through the window... don't panic."

"Had another fight with Bruce."

"I think you're the demon spawns favorite, he keeps talking about you."

"Don't get jealous now."

-Harley Quinn:

"I stole a bracelet for you, it reminded me of you."

"I had a run in with Brucie so I expect cuddles when I get home."

"Ivy keeps making fun of meeeee."

"You probably did something."

"WHY DO YOU ALWAYS SIDE WITH HER :( .... I did trip and fall down the stairs though."

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

"Is $400 too much to spend on various coffees?"

"Uh Yeah???"

"Have a good day at work <3"

"Why do I have 3,000 emails!?"

"I think I was up until 3..."

"What why!?"

-Poison Ivy:

"I apologize in advance for the mess you're inevitably going to walk in on."

"Experiment gone wrong again?"


"Do you think Harls is on drugs?"

"I made something for you, its waiting on your table."


"If you happen to find (name of book) while out shopping, could you grab it for me?"

"Gar is about to run by your room screaming so be aware."

"What did you do?"

"Why does Star have so much energy at all times?"

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

"Call me if you want to speak to me, I refuse to text."

(Lmao you can't convince me otherwise; this man would absolutely hate texting and unless it's an emergency he's calling you every time.)

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

"Can you come over, mi madre keeps begging to see you."

"Bart keeps beating me in Mario Kart :("

"Khaji Da keeps repeating your name and it's driving me insane."

"Do you need me to call?"


A/N: Remember if you're interested in art please consider checking out my Tik Tok or Instagram, both under the username its.leahs.art

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