When You Punch Someone

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A/N: In this chapter we're assuming that the person you punch is someone fully deserving of such treatment, not as if you went up to a stranger and decked them. (Though I don't condone violence... sometimes)

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

*Immediate dropped jaw and bugged eyes.

*Doesn't know if he's amused, mad, or upset that you chose violence (as if he's not Nightwing).

*He'd probably settle on being slightly upset and highly amused.

*He would half heartily chastise you, though he's low-key happy with you being able to protect yourself in case he's not around.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

*Thinks it's hilarious.

*As if being punched in the face isn't enough, the person you hit is also being laughed at and mocked by Jason.

*Jason was about the punch the person anyways so it's one less thing for him to deal with.

*He'd definitely look's at you with hearts in his eyes for the rest of the day... maybe the rest of the week.

-Harley Quinn:

*Like Jason, Harley is cracking up.

*Hands on knees, doubled over, absolutely loosing it right in front of the person you decked.

*She'd ask repeatedly for the whole entire month if she can watch you punch someone again because of how entertaining it was the first time.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

*Tim's either going to think it was hilarious or hot to watch. (Probably both)

*He doesn't like the thought of you having to "get your hands dirty", but he's happy to see you sticking up for yourself.

*He'd also hack the cameras in the surrounding area to watch it repeatedly... for research purposes.

-Poison Ivy:

*Isn't really phased, she feels generally neutral about it.

*Hand to hand physical violence isn't usually her go to but she's not opposed.

*The only reason she'd be upset is because you bruised your perfect hands while dealing with the scumbag.


*Raven is honestly shocked.

*She sits there unsure what to do for a moment before grabbing your arm and simply teleporting the both of you away.

*Once you're both away from everyone and the person you punched she'd start to chuckle.

*She honestly thinks it's funny, but didn't know how to react with people around her.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):


*He's immediately 10 times more attracted to you now that he sees that you can handle yourself.

*Though he's not a fan of your bruised knuckles afterwards.

*He also probably would've preferred punching the person himself, he'll let you have your fun though.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

*Jaime has no idea what he just witnessed.

*Khaji Da is absolutely losing it, it thinks it's hilarious that you punched them when Jaime didn't.

*Jaime would get you out of the public eye quick before immediately cracking up, same as Raven did.

*He'd talk about the event for weeks, mainly cause Khaji Da keeps reminding him of it saying "you really made Y/N protect themselves?!"

-Talia Al Ghul:

*Talia was 2 seconds away from punching the person herself so it's safe to say that she's freezes when you beat her to it.

*She's not mad or upset by any means, she just can't believe you inflicted violence before she could.

*If Damien's with you she'd be a little miffed about it, but not much.

*She'd appreciate if you talked to Damien about it though, just to ensure he doesn't think he can just start decking people (she doesn't miss the irony there).

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