Jealousy Levels

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A/N: Once again a story with a scale. However, I'm doing percentages this time! 1 obviously meaning low jealousy levels and 100 means high jealousy levels. Enjoy!

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson): 27%

*Dick is on the lower end of the jealousy spectrum, the only time he will really act on his jealousy is if a person is VERY obviously flirting with you. Even then it will only be an arm thrown over your shoulders- just something to show everyone that you're taken.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd): 89%

*This man wants everyone to know that you're his. If he sees a person looking at you for just a bit too long for his liking, he's dragging you into a kiss. Not that you're complaining. If anyone he sees as "threatening" try's talking to you he's distracting you immediately and getting you away from them.

-Harley Quinn: 75%

*A little less than Jason as Harley also enjoys showing you off but if someone's eyes linger, she's quick to drag you away. However, if you're speaking to someone who can't seem to catch a hint, she'll be sure to subtly threaten them.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake): 30%

*Like Dick, Tim is rarely jealous. He knows you'd never even considering looking at someone in a "flirting" manner. If someone gets too handsy or their eyes linger he'll take you by the hand and pull you into an embrace, successfully gaining your attention.

-Poison Ivy: 5%

*If anyone manages to make Ivy jealous than she's just "charming" them into leaving you the hell alone.

-Raven: 66% (kind of)

*Raven isn't actually jealous technically, its more she's so insecure at times that even a person looking in your direction will set her off. She never takes out her jealousy on you and these moments are few and far between the longer you date so it's not actually too bad.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson): 12%

*Slade is so sure of himself that he feels threatened by essentially no one. The only time he's ever felt an ounce of jealousy was when one of the boy wonders thought sending you flowers for a week straight would be a good idea. Said birdy ended up with a bullet hole in their leg.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes): 12%

*Jaime isn't the jealous type he trusts you with his life, so he never tends to worry. Though if someone tries to take flirting a step to far, he may or may not let his scarab at them... who knows?

A/N: Remember if you're interested in art please consider checking out my Tik Tok or Instagram both under the username of

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