You're Found Crying

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A/N: Currently got giant curlers in my hair, feeling like the true 80 year old I am <3 

Anyways, here's another one for you folks, remember my requests are open and please do consider requesting because I am running out of ideas fast. 

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

Immediate concern. Even if he had nothing to do with your tears, he WILL feel bad. He hates seeing you upset let alone crying. He'll wrap you into a crushing embrace and start whispering soothing words into your ear. Once you calm down, he'll ask if you want to talk about it, if not he'd just hug you some more.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

Jason's first instinct is to run. He's not very good at the whole emotions thing but he also knows he'd feel terrible if he left you in the state you're in. Eventually he'd decide to sit with you until you calm down before slowly pulling you into his arms.

-Harley Quinn:

Similarly, to the "you're upset" chapter, Harley will go absolutely ballistic. She hates seeing tears in your eyes and will commit extreme crimes towards the person that put you in that state. She'd probably start hounding you for names, so much so that you slowly become simply concerned for the reason of your tears. It's a good distraction though. 

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

Tim wouldn't see you crying but he would hear it. He'd bolt towards you and quickly start rambling questions. Honestly, he'd probably work himself up so much that you'd have to comfort him. Whatever works, works.

-Poison Ivy:

Ivy goes into mother hen mode once she sees you crying. She would leave you alone for a few minutes while she makes your favorite warm drink and grabs a blanket. After presenting you with what she got she'd sit next to you in silence. She'd wait for you to stop crying before asking to talk about it.


When Raven sees you crying, she won't say a word. The only thing she'd do is throw her cloak over the top of you because it'll either make you laugh or be so confused that your crying stops.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

Slade's out for blood the minute he sees tears in your eyes. However, his first priority is you, he'd grab your arm and pull until your head hits his shoulder. He wouldn't say anything though, he'd just allow you to think through whatever's going on in your head. After you calm down is when he starts asking questions, like who does he need to kill?

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

Jaime is almost as bad as Dick. He absolutely hates when you're crying. He'd have a brief moment of hatred for whatever or whoever made you feel the way you're feeling before he pushes it aside to comfort you. He'd give you a hug before asking you random questions hoping to distract you. This usual gets you to at least crack a smile which is enough for him.


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If you're interested in art, I have commissions open (check either accounts for more information) thank you! 

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