You Take An Interest In a Hobby They Have

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A/N: In my last chapter I asked if people would prefer a list format or a paragraph format.
I got pretty mixed reviews so I plan on doing the list format if the paragraph starts getting too long. If the chapter is short and to the point, like this one, then I'll leave it as is. If anyone has questions or concerns, please let me know!
This new rule pertains to future books as well! 🖤

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):
Acrobatics- Dick was 100% down to teach you everything he knows. Though, it's definitely a slow and tedious process considering you're not a professional like him.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):
Cooking- As stated previously, Jason is an expert chef, you however aren't the best (sorry if you're a master cook). He thinks it's funny to watch you attempt some of his recipes so he'd be willing to help you learn.

-Harley Quinn:
Spray Painting- In her spare time Harley likes to use spray paint to draw pictures all throughout Gotham. When you asked if she'd teach you she quickly denied considering what she does is TECHNICALLY illegal. However, she'd be happy to teach you to paint on normal canvases.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):
Writing- Tim enjoys writing as a small side hobby. He doesn't do it often, though when he does, you enjoy watching him work. You find his creative process adorable on some occasions and plain ol' funny other times.

-Poison Ivy:
Experimentation- Obviously you're not interested in experimenting on people (I hope) but you've always found her plant experiments very intriguing. She's happy to help you explore, though if she's busy "working" then she'd have to deny indulging you for that brief period.

Reading- As I stated before, you and Raven enjoy having book dates together, where you just sit in silence and read. These times are very much appreciated and looked forward to by Raven.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):
Shooting- On occasion Slade enjoys going to a gun range to simply fire off some weapons (without it being aimed towards someone). When you expressed interest in going with him he was fine with it until he saw how atrocious your shot was. He'd probably never want to be seen with you at the gun range again out of pure second hand embarrassment.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):
Video Games- Jaime LOVES to game in his free time. He usually plays with Bart, but on the off chance Bart can't make it you're always happy to fill in. Jaime has to try extremely hard not to tease you whenever you play, considering you can get extremely competitive. He thinks it's adorable.

Talia Al Ghul:
Sword Fighting- You find the way Talia fights incredible and you've always been interested in learning. The one time you bring it up to her she completely shuts you down with "you learning swords would end in disaster and we both know it." So you never did get to learn, but it's probably for the best.

A/N: Thank you so much for 6k reads! Also as ALWAYS if you're interested in art please consider checking out my TikTok or Instagram, both under the username

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