Dueling Club

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Alice had caught a nasty cold in the past few days, and when Jessica had woken up with a bad dream on 3rd November, she heard Alice's snore echo throughout the dorm. She looked at the clock, and the time was 6 in the morning. It was all fully dark. Jessica rummaged through her drawer, looking for her wand. 

A piece of paper caught her hand. Jessica pulled it out, and found her wand right over it too. She flicked her wand, "Lumos."

In the dim light of her wand, she looked at the paper. Jessica almost cursed. It was the letter from Percy. She realized she hadn't replied to him yet, even after all those days. Quickly pulling out a piece of paper and a quill, she began to write on the desk in the girls' dorm. 

Hello Percy,

I'm sorry I haven't replied. 17th sounds fantastic. I've been having really weird dreams as of late. Kronos keeps popping up, and I can't even pay attention to my classes. I'll be waiting for you at 6.00 pm GMT, so that I don't have classes. I hope that sounds good. This message will self-destruct in 10 seconds. 

Thanks a lot Seaweed.

Yours most sleep deprived,


P.S. Just kidding about the self destruct part.


She put the letter in an envelope and sealed it with some wax. She exited down the stairs and went out the common Room towards the Owlery, but no owls were left behind.

"All students are sending letters," Sir Cadogan told her. "You know, first two months at Hogwarts, and with You-Know-Who on the rise..." he fell silent, and Jessica needed no more explanation. People wanted to know whether their family was alive.

"It's alright, Sir Cadogan," Jessica said, "I'll just use my brother's owl."

She turned to the portrait of the Fat Lady. "Password?"

"Cattywampus," Jessica said. The portrait swung open, and Jessica stepped in. The lamps had been lit up. Jessica looked as Sirius Black snored in a squashy armchair by the fire. 

Jessica sighed. She knew that James was not going to get out of his dorm until at least 8, and considering that it was a Sunday... chances of him getting up at all were slim.


She threw the letter back into her drawer and went to the showers. The communal bathrooms were all empty except for Jessica, and she enjoyed the hot shower for at least an hour, after which she decided to have breakfast. Lily, Marlene and Alice had just woken up and gone to brush their teeth. Jessica took her letter and pocketed it, remembering to send it to Percy later. 

She had just descended down the stairs when James' glasses reflected the light into her eyes, bleaching her vision from down the stairs that led to the boys' dorm. 

"James!" Jessica called as the boy went into the Common Room, probably to annoy Sirius Black. "James!"

James stopped. He didn't turn back to meet his sister's eyes. "What?" 

Jessica could tell that something was off, but she decided not to push it. "I was actually going to find you, but it's good you're here now."

James made a deep growling voice in his throat, which Jessica figured was supposed to mean, 'go on'.

"Can I use your owl?" Jessica asked. "I need to send a letter."

James turned around, his eyes blazing at Jessica. "What for?" he asked. "So that you can complain to Mum and Dad?"

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