A Mean Lion

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Percy tore across the Mall. He burst into the Air and Space Museum and took off his invisibility cap once he was through the admissions area. The main part of the museum was one huge room with rockets and airplanes hanging from the ceiling. Three levels of balconies curled around, so you could look at the exhibits from all different heights. The place wasn't crowded, just a few families and a couple of tour groups of kids, probably doing one of those holiday school trips. 

Any minute, the skeleton dudes were going to invade the museum, and Percy didn't think they would settle for an audio tour. 

He ran into Jessica—literally. He was barreling up the ramp to the top-floor balcony and slammed into her, knocking her into an Apollo space capsule. Grover yelped in surprise. Before he could regain his balance, Zoe and Bianca had arrows notched, aimed at his chest. Their bows had just appeared out of nowhere. 

When Zoe realized who Percy was, she didn't seem anxious to lower her bow. "You! How dare you show thy face here?" 

"Percy!" Grover said. "Thank goodness." Zoe glared at him, and he blushed. "I mean, um, gosh. You're not supposed to be here!" 

"Luke," Percy said, trying to catch his breath. "He's here." 

The anger in Thalia's eyes immediately melted. She put her hand on her silver bracelet. "Where?" 

Percy told them about the Natural History Museum, Dr. Thorn, Luke, and the General. 

"The General is here?" Zoe looked stunned. "That is impossible! You lie." 

Jessica frowned. "Why would he lie?"

Percy nodded. "Look, there's no time. Skeleton warriors—" 

"What?" Thalia demanded. "How many?" 

"Twelve," I said. "And that's not all. That guy, the General, he said he was sending something, a 'playmate,' to distract you over here. A monster." 

Thalia and Grover exchanged looks. "We were following Artemis's trail," Grover said. "I was pretty sure it led here. Some powerful monster scent... She must've stopped here looking for the mystery monster. But we haven't found anything yet."


"Zoe," Bianca said nervously, "if it is the General—" 

"It cannot be!" Zoe snapped. "Percy must have seen an Iris-message or some other illusion." 

"Illusions don't crack marble floors," Percy told her.

Zoe took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Jessica didn't know why she was taking it so personally, or how she knew this General guy, but she figured now wasn't the time to ask. "If Percy is telling the truth about the skeleton warriors," she said, "we have no time to argue. They are the worst, the most horrible... We must leave now." 

"Good idea," Percy said. 

"I was not including thee, boy," Zoe said. "You are not part of this quest." 

"Hey, I'm trying to save your lives!" 

"You shouldn't have come, Percy," Thalia said grimly. "But you're here now. Come on. Let's get back to the van." 

"That is not thy decision!" Zoe snapped. 

Thalia scowled at her. "You're not the boss here, Zoe. I don't care how old you are! You're still a conceited little brat!" 

"You never had any wisdom when it came to boys," Zoe growled. "You never could leave them behind-" 

"Hey!" The two of them turned to look at Jessica, who was about as red as a lobster with fury. Thunder rumbled somewhere. "For once in your lives, shut up!"

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