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A month later, when Jessica attended the Patronus classes, she chose her newest happy memory yet- winning the first Quidditch match of her life. She remembered closing her palm around the snitch, smelling Fabian's floral shampoo all over it as she zipped past his hair- she remembered him almost pushing her off her broom- she remembered James jumping onto her broom in excitement and almost killing her. She remembered Sirius hugging her so tight she had almost choked. It had been a moment of victory unperturbed by anyone- no gods, no Titans, no monsters. Just happiness.

"Expecto Patronum," she said. Her wand almost shook in her hand- silver mist curled up from the tip. Jessica felt her heart beat against her ribs as the silver mist got stronger and stronger until it grew into a large ball of glowing white power. 

McGonagall removed her glasses to take clear look at the Patronus, squinting at the ball of white light. Jessica could feel a familiar warmth around her- the air smelled clean, she felt an electricity crackle through her spine.

And then, the ball of energy thundered through the classroom as the Patronus inside burst open it's wings- they were huge, with glowing white feathers and a silver body. 

A bald eagle the size of an average dog burst into existence from her wand. Jessica's eyes gleamed- she was reminded of Camp Half Blood. The eagle almost felt like a message from her father- a message that said that he would always be there to protect her. The bird flapped its wings majestically and a gust of wind trembled through the class. It sat itself on the desk next to Jessica with it's head held high and proud. 

Everyone stared in shock as Professor McGonagall gave Jessica a genuine smile. "Good job, Potter. Gryffindor House gets thirty points."


When they left the class, only Jessica and Remus were exempted from homework, thanks to their 'extraordinary' skillset with Patronuses. But Jessica knew that it was a one time thing. She knew that the luck would wear off soon enough and her wand would not be able to produce that Patronus with the same power again.... and in a few years, perhaps it won't produce any magic at all, when she'd reach sixteen.

She shook the thought away from her head and glanced across the Great Lake. Professor Kettleburn's lesson on unicorns was probably interesting, but Jessica was just too busy with her thoughts focusing on her inevitable death. 

On the other side of the lake, by the edges of the forbidden forest, she saw Hagrid's huge figure blocking most of the scene. He was wearing a necklace- or that's what Jessica figured it was, until she realized that Hagrid had threaded a couple of loaves of meat into metal strings and he had hoisted it against his shoulders. He ripped a loaf from the necklace and threw it into the Dark Forest. 

Jessica didn't understand why Hagrid was wasting perfectly good meat like this, until she saw something in the bushes move. She felt like she was being watched- something was there. Milky white eyes were staring at her from the clearing, and Jessica felt all her hair stand up on an end. 

"Miss Potter!"

Jessica's head snapped around. "Yes sir!"

"I am starting to believe that you didn't pay any attention to today's class," Kettleburn said. "Can you tell me what color is a baby unicorn?"

Jessica bit her lip. She definitely did not know the answer to this question. It couldn't be silver- no, if it was so simple, he wouldn't ask that question. Maybe it was pure white. Or orange. Or maybe...  Jessica was suddenly hit by a vision from her dream- the boy wearing a purple shirt, his hand branded with a tattoo. Jessica remembered something- there had been a unicorn there... a golden unicorn. Jessica opened her mouth and said nervously, "Golden?"

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