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In her quest for excellence in the field of Quidditch, Jessica had almost forgotten her studies. Almost. Lily had made sure to make Jessica study every night for two hours before she went to sleep. Alice forced Jessica to do her homework, and Marlene made sure Jessica ate something. But now that that was over, Jessica didn't know what to do other than focus on her studies.

She whiled away some of her time in the library and the dueling club, where the defense professor, Mr. Khanna, had taken a new interest in her. He taught her some spells that Jessica didn't even know. 

"You're bright," he remarked as they left after a two hour practice. "A few hours of dueling a day and you could be the best Auror in the world."

"Why did you become a teacher, professor?" Jessica asked. 

"I applied for an Auror course," Professor Khanna said. "But I wasn't able to afford the fee." He seemed totally cool about it, like he had gotten over it and it was a long time ago anyway. He seemed to have accepted that he would never be getting into the Ministry. "Next best bet was becoming a professor." He turned to Jessica. "What do you want to do, Potter?"

Jessica gave it a thought. Honestly, she wanted nothing to do with magic in her life. Just being a half blood was enough- but to be both magical and a demigod? No. "I don't know," she shrugged. "I haven't decided."

Khanna sighed. "Children with great potential always forget that they have potential."

Jessica stared around the corridor, tight lipped. She was both flattered and disappointed. She liked Professor Khanna. She didn't want him to feel upset about her. 

Khanna smiled. His warm brown eyes sparkled. "Don't take it too much to the heart, Potter. But it is true that you have great potential. I'll see you tomorrow for our lesson on Werewolves, alright?"

"Yes, Professor." He turned around and Jessica stared at his shrinking figure, until he was completely out of view. He had such high hopes for her, but Jessica wasn't sure she could catch up to his expectations.


Jessica sighed. When she turned around, she almost gasped. 

"Hey!" Fabian said, looking surprised. His forehead was covered in sweat, and he was shouldering a towel. 

"Hey," Jessica said, a little shocked to see the House Captain out here so late in the night.

"What are you doing up so late?" Fabian asked. He wiped the sweat off his forehead. 

"Umm..." Jessica didn't know why she always seemed to be lost for words when she was with Fabian. "Professor Khanna called me for a challenge."

"Oh," Fabian smiled. "Must've been fun."

"Bet," Jessica smiled. 

An awkward silence passed. "It's so great to have you on the team, Jess," Fabian said. "I don't think we could've made it without you this time."

Jessica blushed. "Hey, no big deal," she said. "We couldn't have done it without the best Captain ever."

Fabian smiled. "That's really the best thing I've ever heard, especially when it comes from you. Really, I won't forget this."

Jessica smiled. "I want you to do me a small favor, instead... will you do it?"

"Anything," said Fabian. 

"When you become famous, mention to the Daily Prophet that Jessica Potter was a really good friend of yours. I could use some of that publicity." 

Fabian was so thunderstruck that he straight up stared at her for a minute before falling into laughter. "God, what?!" he said. 

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