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Professor Martha Steward, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher,  paced up and down the class. "Now, those of you who think you know the Dark Arts, please, forget everything you have learnt."

"During my lessons," Professor Steward said, "no one shall speak unnecessarily. Be respectful of your classmates, and do not forget to revise your lessons daily. Cheating will not be tolerated in this class, and you will receive a detention and lose marks if caught."

Professor Steward was a tall lady, almost akin to Professor McGonagall, but younger, with red hair, and she had an American accent. She was clever, and strict, and she kept twirling her wand in her palm once in a while.

"Remember that all essays are extra credit for your second year," she said. "This means that they will have no impact on your grade and you are not required to complete them in order to progress through the course. All they do is give you extra house points. However, I highly recommend that you complete these assignments as they allow you to strengthen your understanding of the content discussed in class."

All the students nodded. Somehow, her power seemed to radiate through the class.

"When completing essay assignments, make sure you incorporate all relevant knowledge and information to demonstrate your comprehension of the course concepts. But that can wait until later in the lesson. First, you must understand what exactly the Dark Arts are before you can fully appreciate what exactly you are up against. Therefore, I will give you a very brief history, just so you know the basics."


Professor Steward cleared her throat. "Now, can anyone tell me when did the usage Dark Arts begin?"

Silence washed through the classroom. When did the usage of Dark Arts begin? That was an odd question. Jessica had thought it had always been there. 

"Um..." Sirius Black guessed, "1800s?"

Professor Steward smiled, "Good try, Mr. Black, take a point. However, it is impossible to say that there is a 'beginning' to the Dark Arts; as long as there has been light, there has been dark. This balance is one that the universe creates itself - there cannot be one without the other."

"I knew it!" James whispered.

"And yet you didn't answer," Steward said. "The 'Dark Arts' is a blanket term that covers anything that has the intent to harm, injure, or even kill another person. It also covers a wider range than that which I can teach you in this course. The Dark Arts include many branches of magic, particularly potions and charms."

Excitement gleamed in the eyes of every student in the classroom. 

"The call of the Dark Arts has always held a certain appeal for some people - those who desire and actively seek power will frequently dabble in the Dark Arts. But one must always beware- once the Dark Arts have a hold on you, they never let you go; once you cast your first Dark spell with malicious intent, they will continue to corrupt you and make you incapable of resisting the power you felt when you used that first spell."

"But power comes at a price. As the Dark Arts corrupt your soul, it will also corrupt your body. One of the most evil wizards of our time, most commonly known as Lord Voldemort-"

Several people gasped. Professor Steward had said his name- You-Know-Who's name. 

Steward continued, "-was once a handsome young man known as Tom Marvolo Riddle... until he traversed the Dark road and his body became corrupted and mutilated. The Dark Lord no longer looks like a human being."

A momentary silence passed. Everyone exchanged glances of nervousness. 


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