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"I was wondering too, it's almost been thirteen minutes since DADA began..." Jessica said, looking around worriedly. Professor Steward was almost never late. 

"Should we inform Professor McGonagall-" Lily began, but her eyes widened, and she ducked.

Jessica turned around just in time to feel the spirit of Sir Nick fly right through her head. She ducked, coughing. The Bloody Baron followed Nick, and Jessica saw that their eyes were looking rather worried.

"Children, I'm afraid your Defense professor will be a little late today," the Baron said. The students erupted into a loud, muffled whisper, wondering what could have happened. The Baron cleared his throat, "She has some personal issues to attend to."

Jessica frowned. "What personal issue? I thought she was alone..."

"Me too," Severus said next to her. "Maybe there's a parent or friend involved."

"Hmm, but the look on Nick's face," Alice said, "it seems like something could have happened."

"God, I hope not," Marlene said. "Defense is the only interesting subject for now."

"I'll agree," Clara said. "I enjoy the magic we do."

Nick floated around the classroom, monitoring the students dutifully. "Potter, you might want to put away that Dungbomb! I may not be able to smell, but I can see you!" James immediately turned red.

"Well, I suppose we could ask him," Jessica said. "Nick's usually very friendly."

"I am, aren't I?"

Jessica shuddered as the spirit of Nick almost brushed past her shoulder. The ghost looked down at the first years discussing intensely about the situation they were in. He smiled, "Now, what can I help you with, young Gryffindors?"

"I'm Slytherin," Severus and Clara said together.

Nick nodded. "I always encourage my Gryffindors to find friends even in the darkest corners of the world." He looked back at Jessica. "Now, you were saying...?"

"Well," Jessica began, "what exactly happened to Professor Steward, Nick? I mean, she's usually never late."

"And she gives us detention if we are," Clara said, nodding. 

Nick's face frowned. He pursed his lips. "If I knew, I would tell you, Potter," he said. "From what I know, Steward is currently at her ancestral home in America. Apparently," he lowered his voice so that only they could hear him, "there's been a Death Eater attack."

Lily gasped. "What?"

Jessica scowled. "But Voldemort-" everyone gasped, "-sorry, You-Know-Who doesn't operate in America."

"He usually doesn't," Nick said sadly. "But Stewards are an exception. They are the direct descendants of the powerful family that found Ilvermorny. No wonder Martha Steward was called here. Hogwarts is the safest place on Earth." Nick straightened up. "That's all I can tell you for now. You must ask your teacher for more information."

Alice nodded solemnly. "Thanks, Sir Nick."

"It's always a pleasure, Miss Fortescue," Nick bowed like a noble from the eighteen-hundreds, and he floated away.  


Lily, Alice, Marlene and Jessica raised an eyebrow at each other. "Perhaps we should investigate what happened?" Jessica asked.

"I mean, it sounds cool," Alice said. "But then if we end up looking dumb..."

"You're right, we shouldn't," Lily said.

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