Food Fight

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The end of the year marked a strange memory in Jessica's head.

Though the weather was perfect, though the atmosphere was so cheerful, Jessica had never approached the end of a school year in worse spirits. It had all begun with breakfast.

When she had walked into the Great Hall, she was greeted by a splash of pomegranate juice to her white shirt. Jessica screamed. 

"What's going on?" Lily asked frantically.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THIS SHIRT IS?" Jessica yelled, at particularly no one, looking down at her shirt. "IT'S WHITE, LOVE! WHITE!"

"FOOD FIGHT!" a Ravenclaw said. But the food fight did not seem as simple as that. 

 It was war. 

War between the Slytherins and everyone else. It was evident. Hufflepuffs were enchanting cream puffs to fly into the Slytherin Table, crashing against people's heads, making their hair look like a hairy nest. 

"What happened?" Jessica rushed to James.

James was too busy throwing eggs to take his eyes off the battle. "Regulus," he growled. 

"Not again," Lily said. "Honestly, I can't believe-"

"DUCK!" The girls bent just in time to avoid a huge pie to the face. A Ravenclaw girl swirled her wand and the pie swung around like a boomerang and hit the Slytherin who threw it. 

"What did he do?" Jessica asked. 

"Called us all Mudbloods and Traitors," James said. 

"Need help?" Jessica asked, anger flaring up in her. She took three dozens of boiled eggs, all of them placed in cartons, and readied her cannons. She shot them into the air with her palms towards the Slytherins. 

James turned around and glared at Lily. "You have got to stop meeting your Snivellus."

Lily huffed. "Don't call him that!" She was holding a glass of pumpkin juice. Jessica took the glass of juice from Lily and handed her with pomegranate juice. "It's better at staining," she told her. "I have experience."

"Snivellus," James grunted, throwing a heavy pot of pasta salad at the Slytherins. Jessica wasn't even sure where it had come from. It was breakfast time, for god's sake. "He just called all the Gryffindors Mudbloods."

"But all the Slytherins do that," Jessica said. "What's so special about Severus?"

"Well," James turned around, hands on his hips like Euphemia when she was angry, "he just hexed Dorcas Meadows, and then he almost jinxed Ed Tonks."

"Ed Tonks?!" Jessica asked. "The fifth year?" Lily was terribly quiet. She knew that James wouldn't lie at a time like this.

"The very same Ed Tonks," James said. He turned to Jessica. "Got any strategies, sis?"

Jessica's mind raced. "Just one," she said. "Follow me."


Jessica and James sneaked through the battle towards the Slytherin tables. The collateral damage was way more than normal here. The tables were all painted in different colors of food, and some pieces of shattered ceramic and glass were thrown here and there, piercing through Jessica's shoes once in a while. 

They came to the end of the tables, and James turned to her, "What now?!" he asked, ducking away from an incoming assault on the Slytherin Tables as a burrito flew over.

Jessica reached into her pocket and drew her glimmering wand. "Now, we say," she flicked her wand, and James understood. "Ascendio!" 

The tables flew upward and crashed into the wall as James joined her. Pieces of wood were strewn around into the Great Hall. "RUN!" James yelled, pulling Jessica by her wrist as they turned away from the incoming disaster.

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