Dean Martin's Greatest Hits

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Zeus Cabin was completely clean, except for Jessica's cot- it was perfect, just the way she had left it- with exactly one blanket messed up. It was just how she liked it. She had almost missed the hippie Zeus. But Jessica knew she couldn't stay there for long- there was something...  or something was missing.

In the meanwhile, Percy seemed like he was going to collapse every moment- as though he was ashamed of the big guy next to him. And then there were the comments from the other campers. Suddenly, he wasn't Percy Jackson, the cool guy who'd retrieved Zeus' lightning bolt last summer. Now he was Percy Jackson, the poor schmuck with the ugly monster for a brother. 

"He's not my real brother!" Percy protested whenever Tyson wasn't around. Nobody bought it. 

Annabeth and Jessica tried to make him feel better. They suggested that Athena, Zeus and Poseidon team up for the chariot race to take their minds off their problems. Until they could come up with some brilliant plan to save Thalia's tree, they figured that they might as well go along with the races. After all, Annabeth's mom, Athena, had invented the chariot, and Poseidon had created horses, and Zeus was the main god honored during the games. Together they would own that track. 

One morning the three were sitting by the canoe lake sketching chariot designs when some jokers from Aphrodite's cabin walked by and asked Percy if he needed to borrow some eyeliner for his eye..."Oh sorry, eyes." As they walked away laughing, Annabeth grumbled, "Just ignore them, Percy. It isn't your fault you have a monster for a brother." 

"He's not my brother!" Percy snapped. "And he's not a monster, either!" 

Jessica raised her eyebrows. "Technically, he is a monster." 

"Well you gave him permission to enter the camp." 

Annabeth frowned, "Because it was the only way to save your life! I mean... I'm sorry, Percy, I didn't expect Poseidon to claim him. Cyclopes are the most deceitful, treacherous-" 

"He is not! What have you got against Cyclopes, any-way?" 

Annabeth's ears turned pink. Jessica got the feeling there was something she wasn't telling. "Just forget it," she said. "Now, the axle for this chariot-" 

"You're treating him like he's this horrible thing," Percy said. "He saved my life." 

Annabeth threw down her pencil and stood. "Then maybe you should design a chariot with him." 

"Maybe I should." 

Jessica realized that she should intervene-



She stormed off. Jessica pursed her lips. "Well, that went well." She sighed and put down her pencil. "I'll see you around, Percy."


The next couple of days, Jessica tried to keep her mind off problems. She teamed up with Annabeth to make her chariot, but the meetings were silent, filled with tension. Neither wanted to talk about the argument. 

"Annabeth," Jessica finally said the day they'd come up with their design. 


"I think you might want to know this," she said, "I had this encounter with a dementor."

"A what?"

She explained the vision she'd had on the train- Luke wearing a Greek Chiton, with a scythe, his eyes changing color. 

Annabeth pursed her lips. "But Luke's eyes are always blue in color. How could they turn amber-"

Jessica nodded. "It wasn't amber, either," she said. "It was golden. Like, hot gold from the forges."

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