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Jessica knocked on the door. Her hand was shaking, her wand somehow at the ready just in case Professor Steward wanted to jump scare her or something.

"Come in," came Steward's voice. Jessica pushed opened the door.

Steward had decorated the room in such a way that Jessica thought that the Professor was a jack of all arts. 

Steward had set up a chess board game that seemed to be constantly playing against each other, even without anyone giving them directions. Some tribal masks hung on the walls alongside a full body trifold. A long grandfather pendulum clock stood proudly by the bookcase. A few skulls were placed on shelves alongside a violin and a silver flute. A bicycle was hung on the wall, making Jessica think whether Steward actually used it. A telescope  stood at the far window and and some planetary models floated at her desk. Her office connected to a storage room somewhere down.  There were also an assortment of dark Creatures. Jessica recognized a couple of Pixies and a tank of Kappas in their midst. 

"Sit down, Miss Potter," Steward said.

Jessica did as she was told. The Professor pushed a cup of hot tea towards Jessica. 


"Um... alright," Jessica said. "Two."

"Very well," Professor Steward dropped in two cubes of sugar into the milk. "We'll be talking about some important things tonight, Miss Potter. Things that you should reflect upon."

Jessica nodded, "Professor, first of all, I'm so sorry I yelled at Potter during your class. I shouldn't have raised my voice, and I promise never to do that again."

"That you won't," Professor Steward smiled. "Here is your detention, Miss Potter. Your sound level should not exceed the limit of 35 decibels, almost a bare whisper in case you weren't aware. If it does," she pointed at a cage rattling with blue cornish pixies. "These are going to crack open on us. They're freshly caught, so do not underestimate them."

Jessica froze in fear. "A bare whisper?" she said frantically.

"Yes," Steward said. "And your time starts now." She waved her wand, and the cage rattled once more.


Jessica realized that the only way to win this game would be to keep her mouth shut. She sat tight-lipped, staring at the skulls in the Professor's office.

"Oh, no," Steward smiled, her voice a whisper too. "I didn't say you could stay quiet. We are going to talk."

Jessica's jaw fell open, "What?" she whispered.

Professor Steward was looking down at a stack of papers, probably essays that she had to correct. She plucked one roll of parchment and started to read through it. 

"Professor, I am sorry," Jessica said, eyeing the pixies nervously. 

Professor Steward frowned at the paper. "I quite understand what you were trying to do," she whispered. "You were trying to protect a Ravenclaw student from suffering the consequences of your brother's actions. It was a noble act, but shouting and yelling is not how you do it."

Jessica swallowed. "I'm sorry ma'am."

"It's quite alright, as long as you learn from your mistakes," Steward whispered. "Which is what led us to this situation. To be fair, even I don't like this type of detention. But you gotta do what you gotta do, hmm?"



Steward's head snapped upward, and she frowned at Jessica. "I've always wanted to ask something, Potter," she said, "how come you have an American accent?"

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