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Fleamont joined Jessica and they pushed the trolley together through the iron arch between platforms nine and ten. 

"So," he whispered, "did you meet your father?"

"Yep," Jessica said.

His posture drooped. "Um... well... what was he like?"

"Mighty," Jessica replied. "He was cool."

Fleamont sighed. "I suppose he was, huh? Who is it? Ares?"

"Ares?" Jessica frowned in disgust. "That cockroach? No way."

Fleamont snorted. "Alright then, is it..."

"It's Zeus."

His eyes widened. "Seriously?"

"Yeah," she replied. "But then, he was nowhere close to the dad I've known since I was a kid, you know. He was all strict and royal. I like my weird dad more."

Fleamont's eyes gleamed. They stopped in front of the bold black coach of Hogwarts Express. "I love you, kid."

"I love you too, Dad." 

Three people body slammed Jessica onto the ground. She gasped- "What-"

"Hey!" Marlene said. "How you doing?"

"Is that a scar?" Alice asked. "Look, even I got one- I was cutting vegetables-"

Jessica chuckled. It would be cool to compare stories, indeed. But she decided one thing- her friends  were too innocent to know what she was getting herself into. They didn't have the need to know about Camp. They were better off without it. 

"You need to tell your brother to stay away from that Sirius Black," Lily said, eyeing James. "They're planning to prank Sev this year, apparently."

Jessica grinned. "That gives us more opportunities to kill my brother. Let the games begin."

They rolled their trunks into a compartment and sat down. Jessica's eyes drooped. She felt like she hadn't slept in hours- or at least she hadn't had a good sleep.

Alice sat down next to her, and Jessica leaned on her friend's shoulder. "Good night."


Have you found it? the monster asked.

We've almost reached, my lord, a cool voice replied behind replied.

Very well done, Castellan, the monster's voice seemed gleeful. It sent a nervous chill down Jessica's spine. Now let us wait for our heroes.

Must we, my lord? Luke asked. His voice was bitter. I can bring the Fleece to you myself-

No, boy, the monster said scornfully, you overestimate your strength! You cannot make it beyond the shores, Castellan. Do not worry. The heroes will bring us our treasure. All you need to bring is the poison. 

As you say, my lord, Luke bowed in the darkness.

If the daughter of Zeus does not join us-

She will, my lord, Luke said, and Jessica could make out something in his voice- it was clear, it was fear. He was afraid of the consequences. I knew her well, he said. She wouldn't fail me.

She'd better not, godling, the monster's voice grew, and deep growl sounded from within the pit. 

Y-yes, my lord, Luke answered.

Laughter echoed from the pit. Do not worry, for- Wait. Ah. Of course. Back again, the two of you?

Who? Luke asked, looking around. Jessica turned to her side- there he was, Percy, his hands trembling. Jessica nearly floated to him in panic and hugged him tight, trying to find some warmth in each other in the cold.

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