Field Trip

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"Alright now," Euphemia stood up, her eyes sharp, "get ready. The camp bus'll be here in a few."

"But I don't wanna," James said childishly, his hands glued to the pockets in his uniform. "Mummy, I'll just go straight to Hogwarts."

"Oh, be quiet, James," Fleamont said, looking up from his newspaper. "Percy's the one who's transferred camp twelve times, and she isn't complaining. You've been in the same camp since the beginning. Why are you whining like a baby?"

Jessica's face brightened, and she held her head high in pride. 

"That's not a compliment, dear," Fleamont corrected himself. "You've transferred camps twelve times. Besides, this is a camp trip."

Jessica's lips immediately tugged downwards, and James grinned. "It's not my fault," she groaned. 

Indeed, it was never the girl's fault. Now, don't ask how, but Jessica always found herself in more trouble than her brother ever did, even though she followed the rules. 

In fact, the camp director had pulled Jessica aside the previous day to warn her, "If anything happens tomorrow at the museum, Potter," she had said, "I'll suspend you for two weeks."

"I don't even do anything," Jessica had replied. 

"Is that why your school expelled you in fourth year?" 

Even Jessica couldn't reply to that. See, bad things happened whenever the girl went on field trips. Especially when it was a school trip. Like in fourth year, Jessica had an accident with the Buckingham palace and a stone. She hadn't been aiming for the window... in fact, she had been standing outside the palace gates, and there could be no way for a small pebble to reach a glass window that far away, but of course, she got expelled anyway.

And in third year, she almost dismantled the London Ferris wheel... but that's a story for another time. The point is, Jessica was deemed to be 'funny' in a sense as in she was dangerous. But this trip, she was determined to make no mistake. She'd keep her hands to herself, only talk to her friends, and try to not make eye contact with anyone.

"The bus is here!" Eupehmia said gleefully, and taking a deep breath in, Jessica boarded it without even saying a bye.

All the way into the city, Jessica remained silent, until her only friend, Tobias Underwood, a scrawny boy with curly hair finally boarded the bus. Tobias was a frustrated little kid, probably a a year or two older than most of the kids on the bus, going by the acne on his skin. He had a note excusing him from PE for the rest of his life because he had some kind of muscular disease in his legs. He walked funny, like every step hurt him, but don't let that fool you. When he ran, he ran like a tiger (especially when the canteen served enchiladas).

"Look, it's that disabled kid!" 

Jessica's palms formed into a fist. "Karen."

Karen was a girl who had been coming to camp for several years, and for some reason, no one had ever managed to complain about what a bully she had been. Karen's most loved target- Tobias. Tobias never cared, but Jessica did. 

"Stop, Percy," Tobias calmed her down. "She's not wrong, you know?"

"I am going to kill her," the girl mumbled. 

"It's okay."

"Whatcha gonna do, punch bag?" Karen yelled. 

The fact that none of the camp staff seemed to mind Karen bullying a student in front of their eyes made Jessica even more angry. 

"That's it," she started to get up, but Tobias pulled her back to the seat.

"You're on probation, remember?" Tobias reminded her. "One more move, and you know what the director's going to do."

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