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The students stood opposite one another as Madam Hooch walked in between them, occasionally saying "Good morning." She finally stood in the middle of the courtyard. "Now. Welcome to your second year of flying lessons. Now, let's go over the rules and regulations once more."

"Because negotiating the rules fifty feet in the air is both a bit difficult and dangerous, we'll need to be clear on things well before we take off. These rules are here for your safety, your classmates' safety, and finally, mine. Anyone who breaks these rules faces immediate house point deductions, a good shot at months of detention, and even possible expulsion."

"I have no doubt that many of you come from wizarding families and may well even own your own broom already, but these rules apply nonetheless. No matter how well you think you fly, you'll be sticking to my simple basics while in my class. More importantly, just because you are an ace at airborne acrobatics doesn't mean all your classmates are. By deviating from instruction, you risk colliding with or surprising those that are still basic, which will not end well. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, Professor," a few students replied here and there. 

"Now, chop-chop," Madam Hooch said, "stick out your hand and say 'Up!'"

Jessica stuck out her hand. "Up!"

The broom flew to her hand as smooth as butter. Jessica grinned. James got it on his second try. He looked at Jessica and gasped like she had cheated. 

Lily put out her hand, "UP!"

The broom rolled on the ground, like it was struggling against her. But Lily didn't give up. She hadn't given up last year, either. She stamped her foot. "UP!"

Marlene was smirking- she had somehow caught her broom with apparent ease- after hitting herself on the forehead once. This was better than Sirius, because he was getting constantly hit on the nose by his broom. Jessica laughed so loudly at him that Madam Hooch glared at her.


"Good, I see you've all managed to get your brooms. Now, swing your right leg over it and stand astride, but do not lift off the ground just yet," Madam Hooch warned. "This may seem like a silly detail, but brooms are very responsive. An overfirm grip will make it almost impossible to steer or slow down, which is obviously not ideal, and a loose grip is equally problematic. If you're not holding on tight enough, you may well fall right off if your broom does something unexpected or you lose balance! Take a moment to practice."

Jessica felt the broom almost hum to her touch- like it knew who she was... like it was waiting for her order. She gripped her broom gently and yet firmly. Her legs were longing to kick off into the sky just as she had last year during her classes- Jessica had always been very good at flying- so good that Madam Hooch had almost recommended her for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, except that the posts were already full. McGonagall even said that she would get Jessica a post somehow, but Jessica had declined. She was having enough fun just with her flying lessons. 

"After all that, it's time to hover a bit and get a feel for the broom's responsiveness," Madam Hooch said. "When I blow my whistle, I want you to kick off from the ground, aiming for just a few feet in the air. Don't worry, there's always one that aims way too high and a few that don't even get off the ground the first time, so you won't be the only ones in the history of Hogwarts, I promise. If it helps, push with your legs as if you were going to jump. If you end up coming back to the ground, push off again with a little more force. Once we've all made it to the right height and have practiced hovering in place for a few moments, I'll blow my whistle once more, which will be the signal to touch back down." 

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