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Jessica and Percy helped Thalia to the Big House. The others were too stunned to even move. 

"Lee!" Jessica almost ordered him, "what do you think you're doing staring? She's not going to heal herself!"

Lee Fletcher from Apollo Cabin almost instantly scrambled into position and got a canteen of nectar. 

"Annabeth- go and get some supplies for Tha-" she stopped herself. "-our new camper. Some toiletries and a shirt from the camp store." She tossed Annabeth a drachma and she caught it and ran out of the room. "Travis, get her a bed roll- Connor, clear out that memorial from Cabin One. Get it ready for her."

"Permission-" Connor began.

"Granted," Jessica turned to Chiron. "Perhaps you should inform Mr. D?"

Chiron snapped out of his awe. "Yes," he said, dazed. "Yes, perhaps."

She turned back to everyone else. "Well?" she asked. "What do you think you're staring at?"

The crowd scrambled away hurriedly. Jessica turned back to the bed, where Lee Fletcher was treating Thalia. Percy sat by her side, holding her hand. 

"Damn, girl," Percy smiled. "For a moment, it looked like you ran the whole camp." 

Jessica huffed. She sat next to Percy and looked at Thalia. That was her sister. Jessica wondered whether they'd get along... Jessica felt slightly small. She'd always been the elder sister- even in the case of James, she was a year elder to him.. but Thalia- Thalia was at least three years elder than her, and Jessica felt... scared. What if Thalia hated her? What if they really never could be good friends?

She tapped her knees impatiently. Thalia was staring at Jessica and Percy. "Do I know you?" she asked.

"No," Percy said, "I suppose not." 

"Um... are you both twins?" she asked.

"What?" Percy asked. "Why- why would you think that?"

"Well, since both of you are called Percy...?" her voice trailed off.

"Oh, no," Jessica said. "His name's Percy. I'm Jessica, but I prefer to be called Percy... my middle name is Persia. I'm sorry I confused you. We have different parents entirely."

 Percy sighed. "You know, first it was me with the new brother," he whispered to Jessica. "Looks like you have a new sibling problem too."

Jessica pouted. "Shut up."

Thalia sat up so suddenly that Lee gasped. He almost ran away from the Big House, in fact. She stared at Jessica and Percy. "I'm entirely convinced I know you somehow," she said.

"And I'm entirely sure you don't," Jessica said. "Take rest, Thalia."


Annabeth came back in with a backpack full of toiletries and other stuff. She gave it to Jessica. "I'll leave you two to it, then," Jessica told Annabeth. "I'll take this stuff to Cabin One. Come on, Percy."

She and Percy walked out of the room. Jessica almost heard Thalia say as she closed the door behind her, "Do those two run the camp?"

Percy raised an eyebrow at her. "First impression best impression, huh?" 

Jessica pursed her lips. "What do you mean?"

"You're trying to look good in front of her?" Percy asked.

Jessica sighed. "Maybe?"

Percy grinned. "She'll love you, don't worry. I mean, she loved Annabeth, of all people, so you're probably fine."

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