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Jessica won Top Wizard (final versus James), no big deal. The problem had always been Best Partners. Twice the damage, twice the people. And the final match was against James and Sirius. Tough competition. 

She and Lily took their place at the podium. They were the center of all the attention. Jessica took a deep breath as Flitwick walked to the stand and said, "BEGIN!"

And with a roar from the audience, the first shots were aimed at the girls. "PROTEGO!" Jessica yelled. Lily summoned a small fire in the front lines, dividing them from the enemy. 

Something brushed past Jessica- she looked at her shoulder. Her shirt was torn and her shoulder was purple and bruised. She looked up to Sirius grinning at her. Jessica bit her lip angrily. "VENTUS!"

Sirius flew backward and out, his wand flying out of his hand. He was thrown out of the arena. The crowd roared as Sirius landed in the stands. James was utterly thunderstruck. He watched as Sirius crowd-surfed, unconscious. 

"Expelliarmus!" Lily yelled, and James' wand flew from his palm. Jessica grinned at Lily. 

They had won, and the battle had been so easy that Jessica wondered why she'd been nervous in the first place.


As soon as the final duels between the other years' finalists had gotten over, the arena was closed down. Instead, a large stand with a podium had been set up. Professor Flitwick stood by the podium, smiling at the students who were still cheering for their duelists. 

Sirius was still crowd surfing somewhere in the stands, Jessica was sure of it. Either that, or he was snogging some girl in a washroom.

"This has been a wonderful year for the Duelling Championship," Professor Flitwick said. "All contestants were brilliant, powerful and talented beyond their years. Let us hear a round of applause for our students-"

His voice was drowned by the applause in the Dueling room. 

"Now, let us start with Top Wizard tournaments," Professor Flitwick said. "I would like to invite Headmaster Dumbledore to the stage to give away the prizes."

The crowd cheered once more as Professor Dumbledore walked up the stage and stood at the center. He was wearing a brilliant navy cloak with a matching cap. His beard was tied in between so it looked like he was wearing a ponytail- except if beards could be pony-tailed. 

"First, we start from the third years," Flitwick said, and the third years began to stamp their feet as they cheered, "Jessica Persia Potter from Gryffindor!"

Jessica, grinning wide and blushing red, walked up the steps to the golden stage towards Professor Dumbledore. He smiled at her with his kind eyes. A girl came forward with a tray- it held a large silver trophy- the size of Jessica's forearm. Dumbledore took it from the tray and examined the cup. "Jessica Persia Potter," he said softly, squinting to read the words on the cup. "Third Year Dueling Champion." 

He presented the trophy to Jessica. A camera flashed somewhere as she took the cup from the Headmaster. "Well done, Jessica," he smiled. "Well done."

"Thank you, sir," Jessica smiled. "It's all thanks to you."

The girl came back with a large basket of goodies-  bottles of butterbeer, coupons to the Three Broomsticks, Honeydukes' chocolate, all the good stuff. Dumbledore presented the hamper to Jessica- another photograph was clicked. 

"And from fourth year," Flitwick continued, "Kinglsey Shacklebolt!"

Kinglsey Shacklebolt was again, presented with a large cup and a gift hamper. Jessica rushed to her friends and hugged Lily tight. She had won the thing, after all. She saw James in one corner, looking at her and smiling proudly. She let go of Lily. "I'll be right back."

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