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When Jessica and her friends came down to the Great Hall for lunch after Divination, they were met by an unfriendly sight of the Marauders- (as James' group of friends liked to call each other now) shouting curses at the Slytherin Table and standing on top of their own seats in a fury.

"What's going on here?" Lily asked they all walked towards the table. Marlene ladled some soup into her bowl and looked at the fight elevate as the Slytherins stood up on their tables and started shouting at them. 

"Oh," Mary MacDonald piped up to answer Lily, "some fight between Sirius and his brother."

"Sirius and his brother... Regulus?" Jessica asked.

"Yes," Mary replied. "Something about not listening to him... couldn't really hear what they were saying to each other, though." She sat down calmly and looked at the fight, intrigued. "I wonder who is going to be the first to pull out wands."

Jessica saw Sirius standing at the back, his ears flushing red and his cheeks as furiously maroon as cherries. He didn't say a word, but stood there in blind shock, as though someone had slapped and Tortured him into a stunned silence. Jessica walked to him with a piece of sour bread in her hand. "You okay, Black?" she asked. 

She saw James yelling at the top of his lungs, "COME BACK AND CALL HIM A TRAITOR ONE MORE TIME, REGULUS! COME ON!"

Jessica's stomach lurched. It is one thing to be called a traitor by strangers, and then it is a whole other thing to be called a traitor by your own sibling. 

She saw Regulus smirking on the other side, surrounded by his Slytherin friends, cheering for him and shouting curses at the Gryffindor Table... especially at Sirius.  

Lily had joined the struggle too, and she was actually standing next to James, hand in hand, shouting at the Slytherins to leave Sirius alone. Alice was standing there grumpily by Sirius' side, trying to console him with a hug. Marlene sat there calmly, albeit alert, watching every Slytherin plot against the roaring lions of Gryffindor. Her hand was wrapped around her wand, just in case.

Jessica was just about to put back the sourdough bread when the first blow came in. The Great Hall echoed with the scream of James Potter- the bread fell from Jessica's hands as James started to fall on his back onto the hard stone- he had been hit by a leg tying curse. Jessica's powers came into use quickly, and he stopped mid-air, his eyes bulging and his glasses hanging off his ear. 


Jessica's voice didn't sound like hers when she yelled, "ATTACK!"

The Gryffindor side burst into roar. Even first years had joined the fight. Jessica was surprised that no teacher was there to stop them yet. Different, colorful jets of light burst into the air. Lily helped James up, and together, they launched into battle. Jessica could see a couple of Slytherins blasting the air with green spells- Unforgivable Curses. 

Marlene was advancing through the crowd with a loaf of bread and a harsh look on her face. She showed no mercy to her enemies - all of them were struck with a Stunning Curse. 

Jessica panicked. There was supposed to be no fight between the students of the school. 

No, she thought. She may not always love the rules, but she definitely tried her best to follow them all the time- and this was against at least seventy rules. "Stop, stop," she muttered, looking around her. 

'This will be the end.' Jessica turned around, looking for the voice that just said that. 'Your world will crumble to bits, hero.'

"No, no, no, no," Jessica recognized him at once. "Stop. Kronos, stop this."

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