Waking up

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I groaned, my head hurt like hell and my body ached. I rubbed my face as my mind finally started to kick into gear, what had happened? I tried to remember...After a few moments of blinking and rubbing my temples my blurred memories started to flood back. Which made my head hurt more...

Through the foggy memories I saw a man with an oddly patterned mask yellow and green. Who was he? The next flash of memories that washed over me was me running into him while going to meet up with Saku at the training area. He had blind sided me and knocked me down pretty hard. I remember trying to fight him off but he was pretty strong. I managed to get a couple of hard blows in... But I couldn't connect the ending...

Words echoed through my scrambled thoughts...I think it was a hidden world jutsu or something? I shook my head and tried to focus on the words again... It was no use they had faded into the void... It sounded kind of stupid to be honest.

I let a heavy breath out, opening my eyes staring up at the darkening sky. I looked around, I jumped to my feet and brushed the dirt off of myself. I noted a few cuts and felt a few tender spots that would definitely bruise.

I shrugged it off the best I could, the loser must have knocked me out and ran. Luckily it could have been alot worse. I was alive after all and still near home from the looks of it.

I took in the view of the training ground and suddenly this evening's plans flashed through my mind again, "Shit Saku!" I rasped. Oh man, Saku is going to kill me! I told him I would meet him at like 3 pm.

I looked up at the starry sky again, reminded of the obviously missed event. I groaned, I'm screwed... I'll just put up with him until he forgives me. I smirked, he owes me for ramen anyway.

I yawned as a wave of tiredness washed over me. I have to go see lord Hokage as well... he is going to be even more mad then Saku, I laughed nervously.

The 6th Hokage was a real pain, ever since the old lady died and he took over. All he does is drink and get mad. I sighed again and shrugged, then headed into the village. I might as well get it over with.

I leapt from building to building, a few people gave me weird looks. Which I hadn't seen them before... although they seemed familiar?

I was starting to get worried, something felt off. I would feel it in my bones, an ache from within. It wasn't from the lost fight I had earlier either. I reached the Hokage's building and jumped in through the window like I normally did. Sure he didn't like it but he even said at least I go to the meetings.

I stretched and yawned, rubbing my eyes as I walked. My vision blurred a bit from the eye rubbing. All could see his blonde hair at the desk.

"Lord Hokage, sorry I'm late, some guy knocked me out. I can't remember all of it but it's worrying me. Also, was there an event today? I saw a lot of new faces on the way here?" I grumbled it, closing my eyes and rubbing my temples in hope of subduing the splitting headache I had.

My questions only met with silence, I stopped and opened my eyes. I let out a loud gasp. What?!

"Are you calling me a man Naruto!? And stop it with that jutsu!!!I'm sick of it!!" A big busty woman with blonde hair hollered at me pointing into my face. She looked tired, annoyed... And she looked just like Lord Hokage... But... Female?!

I took a step back in shock, "what the heck?!?!" I gasped, "am I dreaming?!" I yelled and pinched my own arm. Which I'll admit, it seemed stupid but what else could I do?!

I heard a sigh from behind me. I whipped around. "Naruto please, just listen to Lady Hokage."A husky voice grumbled. "It's been a long day and we all just want to go home."

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