A Special; Mizuki Hatake

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Welcome back! One last bonus chapter <3

This is a special one :3

I don't own the pictures but I did edit them to fit my idea of the character in my version of Naruto. I hope you enjoy it <3 be sure to look at the chapter picture for my best effort of creating Mizuki Hatake.


It was raining, it seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. It was the rainy season after all. I stretched in bed looking at the foggy window seeing rain splattering against the glass.It was a cooler day, I could tell from the slight fog on the window.

I climbed out of bed getting dressed in my usual outfit, black shorts and a loose navy blue long sleeve, I pulled on my sandals and then grabbed my lavender colored hoodie. I cleaned up fast, making sure to brush my teeth.

I walked into the kitchen finding my mom making breakfast and my dad sitting at the table reading a few files. It was like every other morning, the calm before the storm. I went over to the coffee and poured myself a glass, "Good morning mama, papa." I said it smiling up at my mom and she turned to me.

" I said it smiling up at my mom and she turned to me

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My mom.. She was really like the sunlight in our family. She always smiled and lit the room up. It was something I was sad to say I only got so much of, I was more like Papa. Not that it was terrible or anything, he was more of the silent thoughtful type.

Mom pulled me into a warm hug, her sunshine hair sweeping across my face and wrapping me in her sweet smell. She smelled like pancakes and sugar today. I sighed and smiled inwardly.

"Good morning, Mizuki." She said it in a quiet loving voice. She quickly turned back to the pancakes she was making.

I sat next to my dad and he looked up at her for a second, a look of awe crossed his face before he happily looked at me. " Good morning, honey." He said it smiling at me.

It was normal, he looked at mom like that all the time. I knew it was a good thing... I grew to love it. I leaned on my hand drinking my coffee, the coffee was bitter but my mind was swimming through sweet thoughts.

I couldn't help but think about wanting someone to look at me the same way. I hoped some day that I would find someone who loved me so much. I felt a hand on my head and turned to see my dad looking at me with a loving knowing look, " I love you honey..." I knew he didn't know what I was thinking, but maybe he wanted to make sure I felt loved?

I felt a warm feeling in my chest, "I love you too, papa." I said it then I heard my brothers come crashing through the doorway to the kitchen. AH here was the store.

"Mom!" One of my brothers yelled, it was Jari. He raced across the room and grabbed at my moms legs desperately. " Today is the first day of school!" He said it excitedly.

Karo wasn't too far behind Jari holding onto moms other leg. "Yes! Mom! Finally!" Saka chimed in more quietly but just as excited.

My mom giggled and ruffled both of their heads, "Alright, Alright! Go sit at the table! I'm cooking!" She was happy but a bit worried.

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