A lesson of sorts

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Warning: Read at your own risk, this chapter gets a little heated but doesn't have a R rated moment.

I stretched my legs and jumped up, spinning around. " Alright! " I sang clenching my fist. I pulled my sword out and slashed through the air. The air sang at the speed of the blade.

"Hey sis!" Naruto called from behind me.

I turned, putting my katana away, " Oh hi, big brother." I waved, giving him a smile. "What's up?" I asked, tilting my head. He looked tired from running I was guessing.

" You are not going to believe it! No way, no how! "He yelled, gripping me up.

I blinked, "huh?!" I was seriously confused. " You're not making any sense." I said, staring at him bewildered.

" Come onnnnn?!?!!!" He dragged me along.

"But-but I'm training!" I yelled but he already had dragged me so far it didn't even matter. I groaned, " seriously Naruto-" we burst into the Lady Hokage's office.

"Naruto! What's the meaning of this! And Naruko?!" Lady Hokage boomed. She looked caught off guard and stressed.

I was dizzy from the run, "N-Naruto... S-slow down..." I said oddly dizzy.

" I don't think she even knows what's going on, Lady Hokage." Kakashi said it from some place defending me.

" get -"She started.

"No way, old lady!! Me and Naruko are going!!!" He snapped, his temper flowing in suddenly.

I rubbed my head, " ugh.. Where are we going?" I asked, getting up leaning on my brother. " What the hell's this idiot going on about?" I asked, glaring at my brother confused.

I noticed Kakashi, Gaara and Shikamaru standing in front of the Hokage. This suddenly looked very serious, I perked up being snapped from my silly state.

" They are going on a mission in the land of ..."Naruto bit his cheek. He couldn't remember it.

" Land of time, Naruto..." Gaara told him in a bored voice.

Naruto nodded, " they said Sasuke could be there!" He loudly added, he was trying to defend his reason for bursting in, it seemed anyway.

I shook my head but then thought for a Second... A chance to see Sasuke and maybe talk to him? I pushed off of Naruto then shoved him from the room, " sorry bro can't let you go." Then slammed the door, I latched it feeling bad but was sure it was the right choice.

I turned to Lady Hokage and the others, " So what the hells going on? No bullshit... Because I'm going, whatever it is." I said it folding my arms. I tried to be stern but I knew it truly was up to the Hokage, and I would have to obey her.

Everyone looked back at the Hokage, funny how no one objected to me joining.

She smirked, " Actually... That's fine by me... A four man squid is better than a three for this. Fall in with the others I haven't gone into detail yet." She folded her hands nodding to me. "Naruto has too much emotion in this.." She added looking at the doors with a sad look. " Be sure to check on him before you go." She told me with a smile.

I walked up standing beside Shikamaru, " go on." I nodded to her, turning my attention to her completely.

She glanced at us all, " Your mission is to go to the land of time and study what is going on. We have intel that tells us that Sasuke and Karin had been spotted there. Do not attack unless provoked or forced. This is an intel mission... We need information." She said, tilting her head. " Except... There is a second part since Naruko is tagging along. Shikamaru and you need to infiltrate if needed.... Land of time is very unknown... Be prepared for anything." She said it sternly.

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