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Rated R- Read with caution, if you can't handle 'smut' I suggest you skip once the stars show up. Start will be marked with ***R***, ending of rated area will be marked with ****R over*** As a reminder, Naruko is actually in fact over the age of 20 mentally, physically she is older. If you feel that 'smut' should be removed, please feel free to message me. I wrote this a while ago and am unsure about it honestly. 


I had to rest a few times but I made it there pretty fast. I was fucking freezing though... I stared out over the hill at the giant three mountains.... I spotted Sasuke on the hill below me with all his 'friends'. He glanced back at me and said something to the others before vanishing. Wha-

"What are -"

I wiped around , " Jesus Christ Sasuke! " I gasped out and he grabbed my hand with an eye roll practically dragging me into the woods. Once we seemed hidden enough he stopped. He turned to me looking down waiting for me to answer.

I folded my arms and closed my eyes, " is this really a life you want to live? You're getting too far in..." I said it seriously then I looked up at him. " your a rogue ninja now... "

He didn't seem surprised... I mean I wasn't ether to a point.

"And? What I need to do... I will continue to do even if I have to dive deeper into the darkness." He said it closing his eyes.

I frowned, grabbing his other hand, " I'm worried about you... You better not die... And you better come back... " I told him then hugged him. " Seriously Sasuke... In the end... Please... Come home."

He didn't say anything but he did hug me back which was good enough for me. " you need to leave..." He told me, pulling back.

I stepped back and sighed, " damn Sasuke I know we aren't the besties we could be but can I see you for a moment?" I joked with him.

He cracked a smirk and shook his head, " hn, You always butting into things you don't need to be." He sighed.

I rolled my eyes, " and you're not? You're always jumping into things you shouldn't be." I said and punched him gently on the arm. I smiled, " I am not leaving.... But I will keep my distance but I can keep an eye on you now." I said it with a smile and wink.

He tilted his head, " how?"

I closed my eyes, " ribbon of life jutsu." I said it and opened my eyes. Sasuke seemed surprised.

" your eyes are different... You made a jutsu? What does it do?" He questioned me.

It made me happy he was interested, " well I can see people... Ribbons, yours is red and when I grab those ribbons I can see that person and everything like that. If I follow the ribbon it leads me to them but it seems I have to actually know the person well enough." I explained.

He looked at me worried, " that sounds very useful in the ninja world... Be careful though... It's powerful and dangerous. " Then he looked behind me. "I have to go now, bye Naruko. It's nice to know someone will be there looking out for me." Then he vanished again.


I peeked from behind a tree looking at Kakashi, as Naruto finished begging and was left bent over. I felt a tear roll down my face and I bit my lip...oh Naruto.... I wanted to knock that big guy out... But I knew I didn't have much of a chance. I frowned seeing kakashi turn his head so I ducked back behind the tree pulling up my hood.

I did this for a while until everyone split ways and I shivered behind the tree.

Suddenly I was pinned to the tree. The person's knee hit my...eh... Making me let out a gasp and pushing me up off the ground. "Oh. Naruko....NARUKO!!" Kakashi said I sternly realized I was in front of him and not home safe.

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