A small moment

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I let out a deep breath and opened my eyes forgetting where I was only for a moment. I was in Kakashi's arms, which made me very happy. I looked up at him and he was awake reading of course. I gripped his vest and pulled myself into his face, "boo!" I whispered it.

He blinked at me then chuckled, " Goodmorning, beautiful." He leaned forward and kissed my forehead through his mask. His charm was laid on thick and it made my heart flutter.

I smiled and then turned around pulling the book down to my level. I was shocked to see it wasn't 'make out tactics'. It was a ninja skills book on the history of the leaf. I made a bored face, "this has to be bone crawling boring, Kakashi." I said it skimming the page only to find myself intrigued.

After a few moments he chuckled, "and yet... You're reading it. " he said, snapping the book shut, destroying my interest.

I sighed and sat up climbing out of the bed. I went over to the window and looked out, "it's finally stopped raining!" I said it smiling. I turned to Kakashi who had gotten up and was yawning. He stretched making his shirt pull up slightly showing his stomach and there was just something I loved about that.

He glanced at the dark sky, " looks like it might start back up." He walked over to me and held something out. I looked, seeing my shorts.

Oh ya... I blushed and slipped them on fast while he turned to pick up his book that was still on the floor. I then went over to my shoes and slipped them on. "I want to leave..." I turned to Kakashi who was already at the door. I looked at him with pleading eyes... And a careful look... He waved me over and I hurried over.

"You're allowed to leave, we slept the whole night and then some." He explained. " I already signed you out. " He said it looking down at me, watching my happy face and smiled.

I smiled and shoved my hands in my pockets walking next to him. " Good means I don't have to sneak out... Not that I would..." I said the last part as he glared at me disapprovingly. I looked away from him jokingly then looked back at him smiling innocently.

We left the building and started toward what I was guessing home, I paused at a vegetable stand and started looking through the stand. Hmm... I was hungry...

"There you are... " I looked up confused and turned to see Kakashi with a worried expression. I glanced the other way to see naruto. Who... Looked like he just got murdered. I gave him a scared look, " Naruto! What happened?!" I asked.

He laughed like the maniac he was and shook his head, " just training speaking of which... How are you?"He gently hugged me, it was as if I was made of glass and he was afraid to break me. I guess I have gotten hurt a lot lately. It was part of being a shinobi. People get hurt all the time.

I let out a breath, " I'm alright... You should really go get stitched up Naruto... There is a trail of blood-" I gently touched the gash on his leg worried.

"Nah, I'm fine! Sooooooo...." He glanced at Kakashi unwillingly. " what are you doing?" He asked bored. He seemed to have somewhat accepted us together but still didnt like it.

I rubbed my chin, "well I was thinking of what to make for dinner... Seeing how it's been a week and a half I know Kakashi hasn't eaten properly if anything at that. Should I make an eggplant dish or sweet potato?" I turned to Kakashi and asked him the last part. Maybe he had a preference? "You're welcome to join us, Naruto." I said in a hopeful voice, I missed him.

Kakashi gave me a smile, answering my question before Naruto." either will do." He said it while picking up an eggplant and looked at it with almost wonder. Maybe he was wondering what you could make out with it.

I turned back to a deathly bored looking Naruto, " you sound like his wife... Booorrrinnnnggg.... I'm going to find Kiba and see if he wants to train." He said it and ran off with a wave. "Thanks for the offer though. Some other time."

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