Here we go

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The darkness was overwhelming at first, it wrapped around my body. It filled my mind, blocking out everything, everyone... I felt it inside of me, like my whole being was being eaten up. It was a flickering icy blue flame that was the first thing to pull me from the dark, it was like the darkness was restraining me. After god knows how much time... I was able to reach out toward the flame. As my fingers went through the flame others suddenly appeared, they reminded me of the people I knew... a strong glowing white flame shined in the distance... Kakashi.... A warm orange one... Naruto... A crimson red one... Sasuke.

I held the icy blue one to my chest... It was powerful.. I closed my eyes and took it in. I knew this energy too well.. It had lived in me all my life, "Kun."I breathed.

As I breathed in the flame I sank from the darkness, it felt sticky against my skin. But I wondered... I wasn't awake was I? It felt so real... The shadows gripped at me even as I sank to the ground, my feet touching the ground. I yanked my arms free from the black shadows.

Kun was lying there watching me. "Took you long enough."She said it in a snarky voice.

I looked up at her tired, I remember that I had talked to her not long ago about what was going on. I couldn't remember how I had gotten pulled into the dark. I shook my head. "I felt lost... but the flames brought me back."I whispered, seeing something reflecting in the puddle in front of Kun.

I walked over to see Naruto in the reflection. "What is this?"I asked sitting down to get closer.

"I connected you to Naruto, Since you're nearly the same person." She said it tiredly looking at the boy in the water. "Until your able to leave you might as well learn as the boy does." She said, rubbing up to me. I pet her gently and indeed watched my brother.

I wasn't able to really mark the time as I watched him, I knew days seemed to fly by. I had almost too much time to think, I thought about my life.. I wanted to protect those I loved but, I also wanted to not ever have to fight again. I felt tired. How did the older gen feel?

MY heart broke whenever I got to see Kakashi through Naruto. He looked tired, drained, and sad. I rarely got to see him though, but oddly... I never got to see myself. But Naruto was training hard alone in the mountains with the frogs.

It wasn't long until the news of Jiraiya finally reached me... My chest hurts... I gripped my chest and felt a deep pain. God I didn't even get to say goodbye to him... tears streamed down my face...

Finally I was able to see my own body...Time was passing I could tell but I looked perfectly healthy. The doctors even compared me from when it happened to this point and couldn't believe that I looked stronger.

Kun said that she linked my body and soul to Naruto. So as he got stronger, so did I. It didn't take long for the Doctors to make the connection. The doctors seemed to notice that when Naruto got injured, so would I... Naruto seemed to be very upset by this, probably because my life was so connected to his.

He couldn't sacrifice himself. Which was probably a good thing, but it still scared me.

Suddenly the images shifted quickly, time was rapidly passing, fighting things... I couldn't keep up with it... then suddenly...Naruto was back at the mountain looking down at a messenger toad. Seemed there was something wrong... I felt the panic ripple through the water... The village was in danger...It was under attack?! I watched as Naruto my hands on the edge of the water started to slowly sink through. I barely noticed as I stared in horror.... The was completely destroyed... I felt the tears going down my face.

The place I had grown to love so much, the world that had become my heart... I felt the tears streaming... The pain I felt was nothing... not when... I saw Kakashi Fighting and the others...

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