For you

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I heard music softly playing in the distance. At least at first it sounded like music but as my ears adjusted it sounded more like rain tapping against the outside surfaces. I just slowly let my mind wake up listening to the tapping of rain , then the shallow breathing seemingly next to me. I was hoping and pretty confident that it was kakashi. Seeing how he had promised. I knew I could count on Kakashi.

How long had I been out for? Fear crept into my veins and my eyes opened staring at the same old white ceiling. Has it been a day? Days, weeks? Hell months? My fingers twitched and soon they were running over my face. No tubes... Good... I ran my hand through my hair shaking a little. My nerves wouldn't settle for a little I guess.

I let a breath out and turned my head looking toward the door. It was a pale yellow room with an empty bed next to mine. The bed looked used as if someone had been laying in it but hadn't used the covers. I glanced at the closed door and turned my head toward the other side of me.

I first noticed that it was pouring outside the sky was dark with clouds so I couldn't tell if it was night or day. Water sprayed against the window and fresh cool air rushed in through the open window. There had to be water on the floor.

I moved my eyes along and saw a few flowers on the window sill, it had to have been at least a few days. I finally saw what I wanted, a sleeping kakashi. He had his head back in the chair like he had passed out, which he must have because he was fully dressed and had bags under his eyes. I noticed the book on the floor also... I smiled sadly at him... Oh kakashi...

I sighed and wiggled my toes seeing how well I was and decided I was well enough. I thought about getting out of bed... But as I glanced at the sleeping Kakashi I decided not. The poor man would have a heart attack... I had probably put him through enough.

I slid up though leaning against pillows and looked out the window. The leaves on the trees suggested that it hadn't been too long, but that could mean a year had passed... Nah... I don't think so.

My eyes snapped to the door as a nurse came in, I put my finger to my lips to silence her as she was about to be all go happy about me being awake. She glanced at the sleeping Kakashi and understood.

She went over to me and whispered, " it's been a bit over a week and a half for you. I will get you food in a moment. How do you feel." She asked super quiet which I was grateful for.

I gave her a thumbs up and smiled.

She smiled then looked at Kakashi, " he only left a few times mostly because he had to, rather bathing or on missions... He's been sleeping here. He hasn't slept well though... You have an overdose of the knockout medication and you wouldn't wake up. Which was alright since you needed to heal." She explained in a whisper, I nodded along to her. " your both lucky to have each other... But you still have some time here. Your healing very well, just as fast as Naruto I would say." She sat it with a smile before walking out.

She seemed nice, I was glad she didn't wear the same look as the others who saw kakashi. I just looked around or watched Kakashi until my food came.

I ate in silence as I read a newspaper trying to see if anything had happened, to my luck and surprise nothing really had. There had been a lot of rain apparently though. Nothing too bad but they were worried about flooding.

After I finished my food I went back to the newspaper and did a few puzzles. Until I started to get bored... I glanced at Kakashi who was now slightly snoring and smirked. He would be happy to see me awake... I smirked wider and balled up the paper. I had let him sleep for a few hours... Mostly I just wanted to hear his voice. I threw the paper ball at him and it hit him square in the face.

He grunted starting to stir so I balled up another and threw it, this one he caught in his hand. He looked at it with tired eyes then at me. Oh the look on that man's face, I could help but smile. "Rise and shine, sleepy head." I joked with him and winked.

He shook his head smiling, " you're awake, how are you?" He sounded worried.

I tilted my head, " health as a horse..."

He seemed to relax, then he tensed, " I'm surprised you're in bed." He eyed me suspiciously.

I smirked, "well... I knew you would freak out...." I said it softly looking down. " So I stayed in bed... So not to worry you." I glanced at him.

He raised a brow, "you have never seemed to listen before..." He mumbled but seemed happy.

I held my hand out to him, "I had things to do... Plus... I love you more than ever... I hate seeing you so stressed. " I explained waiting for him.

He scooted in and took my hand gently and kissed it threw his mask. " ah... How very kind of you." He gave me a closed eye smile.

I pulled his hand up to my lips and kissed his hand also with a giggle that seemed to put more light into his visible eye. " I couldn't wake you not until I grew bored... It's been a few hours." I told him and glanced out at the rain. "I hope you haven't been getting into trouble being with me." I said frowning.

He chuckled, "no not at all... People seemed shocked. People have shown up just to see if it's true." He made a funny face.

I laughed lightly, "oh... When people care about rumors more than you." I rolled my eyes. I stretched and was relieved to find no extreme pain. " where is that hoodie?" I was suddenly uncomfortable in the hospital nightgown.

He frowned and glanced around, when the look on his face changed and he got up I knew he had spotted it. He brought it back to me and handed it to me. "I had used it for some time... So lucky for you it should still smell like me." He said it with an amused face.

I blushed and looked at him, "close your eyes you perv." I joked.

With an amused face still on he closed his eyes and I swapped the night gown for the hoodie. I turned to Kakashi and his eyes were open, "hey!!" I gasped.

He shrugged blushing. "I'm a perv... So why would I keep them shut?" He joked and so I sighed.

I had a bra on so... It wasn't that bad since he had seen me naked before... Or nearly. I shook my head, " now I will always have to ask you to leave." I sighed.

He just chuckled and took my hand from the hoodie sleeve. " oh... I'll behave now." He sighed out and laced his fingers through mine.

I smiled and glanced at the bed next to mine. " go sleep kakashi... You look so tired." I said to him hoping he would listen. " I'll be right here, I'll even take a nap also. " I tried to convince him.

He looked at me than the bed, " alright.. Only for you.. Since you stayed in bed."

I smiled at him and watched him walk over to the bed and lay down. I started to hum a light melody until I heard him breathing lightly like he did when he slept. I then laid down and went to sleep.


" wow... Seems as if she has healed completely since waking." A voice said, waking me up.

I blinked awake noticing a man had his hand resting on my stomach as he spoke to a nurse. I had to relax realizing he was a doctor. "Excuse me." I said sharply with a sleepy voice.

He looked down at me and moved his hand, " well hello, heard you've been up. Your seemingly all better... How do you feel." He asked, pulling my hoodie back down.

I blinked, " good... I feel fine." I told him.

He nodded and wrote something down, " well we need to make sure you won't relapse so you will stay with us one more day." He told me and then glanced at Kakashi before leaving.

After he left I sighed. Kakashi was asleep so I didn't bother to stay in my bed now. I stared at his face as I climbed out of bed and placed my feet on the cool floor. Then I stood and waited for fall on my face but I was surprised to have balanced and walked forward. I let out a breath and yawned, I walked over to Kakashi after grabbing the sheet and threw it over him. I pulled it back a bit and then curled in next to him.

My sudden presence obviously woke him up and he looked into my eyes and sighed, wrapping his arms around me." That didn't last long." He grumbled under his breath but then went back to sleep and so did I.

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