A moment of silence

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I followed behind Kakashi silently and looked around. We were walking toward the kia stone. I frowned and rushed up to Kakashi and took his hand. He smiled down at me and then looked forward. I looked at him and he was wearing his pj's except he had pants on.

We stopped and stood in front of the kia stone... It made me wonder if I had thought that I knew what happened to kakashi. But I only knew Kashia's story, so I bit my lip and decided to hold off on it until. I looked down at the stone and reached out, running my fingers over the engraved names. Some freshly engraved while others had been there a very long time. I felt very sad suddenly and tears escaped my eyes, just for a moment I left the fate of the many people play at my heart.

" I didn't mean to upset you..." Kakashi said, reaching out, stroking the side of my face tenderly.

I shook my head, " it wasn't you silly... Just its very hard to be happy while looking at the reminder of our life's heavy burden." I said it lightly and wiped the tears away. " you come here every morning?" I asked and turned to him.

He nodded looking at the stone, he seemed to be looking at the stone as a whole but also seemed to be looking through it. I knew that face too well, his mind was elsewhere.

We both stood there in silence staring at it, I started to read the names out in my mind. Rin, Liola, Mina.... The names seemed endless. I closed my eyes and let out a breath...

A hand rested on my shoulder, "Alright let's get moving." He said it and grabbed my hand.

I didn't bother to open my eyes and let him guide me until I was sure we had left the graveyard. I tilted my head, opening my eyes. " So what else do you do?" I asked, noticing we were not heading home.

He looked thoughtful and looked at the sky, " well... I walk around the village and just check things out... Then I meditate on Hokage mountain, then ask Lady Hokage if she needs anything from me today." He explained thoughtfully. He was running through his daily morning routine in his mind.

I frowned, "I slept through all of this?" I mumbled. I frowned at myself mostly, I sounded like a kid sleeping while the parents did all the hard work.

He chuckled, "normally I use it to think." Before I could even pull away and insist that I could go home, he continued. " not that I don't want you here... Which I do want you here." He said it and pinched my cheek with his free hand. He looked down at me with a smirk and knowing eyes.

I smiled and started to swing our hands. "Alright then... First a walk." I said. He knew me too well... but did he know my past? And did I know his past? I just couldn't let it escape my mind. After walking for a bit I started to think about kakashi...

" you seem to be worried about something...." Kakashi said it and leaned down closer to my face. He examined me as if it would be written on my face.

I blushed and snapped my head away, "uhhh." I grumbled and fiddled with my fingers. I didn't want to make Kakashi upset, I knew he didn't really like to talk about his past that much.

"Please tell me..." He pushed for me to tell him. He squeezed my hand and looked at me with safe, caring eyes.

I sighed and glanced at him then the ground, "I was wondering if you had gone through all that kashia had." I admitted to him. "I can't help but wonder if we actually know each other's pasts. I didn't want to assume that you went through the same or that Naruto went through the same." I looked down at our intertwined hands.

He was silent, dead silent. I couldn't look up at him... What if he was mad or terribly upset. I just couldn't... I looked everywhere but Kakashi for a few minutes. But the time seemed to crawl and it was almost painful.

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