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I had stopped walking all together... The breeze blew and whisked through the trees. My breath caught in my throat... So much had happened today... So much to do with kakashi. It was like everything was trying to catch up. I stared at him and he stared at me.

Then he laughed a little, "Never mind, let's talk about it later? You look tired and we have to meet up with lady Hokage tomorrow morning." He said it and began to walk again. We were outside the house so he headed up the steps.

I stood there for a moment and felt nervous and a bit let down. Why hadn't I just answered? I had been caught off guard... I wanted to be with Kakashi so badly and to have him ask so suddenly had shocked me. I slowly made my way up the steps to find Kakashi had already gone into his apartment. I stood at his door for a second then shook my head. I better just let it go for now... I headed to my apartment and unlocked my door.

I took a shower before heading to bed. As I laid in my bed I smiled... Kakashi was back and he wanted to be with me. At least I could sleep easy for once...

---the next morning---

I stretched as I sat in bed, the rising sun's light poured through my window. I yawned and climbed out of bed. I scratched my side as I headed into my kitchen for coffee. I didn't start to wake up until I had my first cup. I headed into my room and got dressed into my ninja outfit. I made sure everything was tied tight enough and good to go. Then I sat at my kitchen table with my second cup which would keep me going all morning.

I ate an apple then looked at the clock and it was 6 am. I got up and grabbed my basket. I wanted to go pick some herbs for the mission just in case, also to get some flowers for the center of my table. I knew me and Kakashi would have to go see Lady Hokage soon but I wanted to do this first. I headed out with my basket toward the northern side of the village. I would be collecting herbs from the forest.

----later on---

I hummed as I plopped down in an area that had a lot of herbs. I picked them carefully as I hummed. After a while I started to sing, I sang a song I had once heard while traveling with my brother and Jiraiya. It was a beautiful song...

I suddenly felt a presence and turned toward the village seeing rock lee, Kakashi and guy sensei. My mouth clamped shut and I froze in horror. Oh no...

"What a beautiful youthful voice!" Guy gave me a thumbs up and smiled.

"Could it really be my love? Oh Naruko I had never dreamed of your beauty growing even more!" He said it as he held a praying stance and had a sparkle in his eyes.

Kakashi stared at him blankly then looked at me with a smile, "Yes, well we must get going Naru-chan." He said it waving his hand.

I frowned and stood up, "but I haven't finished yet.... I wanted to pick some flowers for my table..." I picked my basket up and walked over to him sadly.

He sweat dropped and looked a bit defeated. "I'm sorry... But lady Hokage wants us now..." He explained as he pulled me along. "You can always get flowers afterwards." He suggested as we walked.

I nodded, "true..." I said it fanning my face from the heat of the sun as we walked out of the shade. "It's so hot..." I said it with a pout. I sighed as I saw that Guy and Lee had vanished.

Kakashi looked around unfazed, "it is kinda hot.... We will get to the Hokage building in no time if we run." He said, taking off.

I went wide eyed and chased after him. I had to go a bit slower so I wouldn't spill my herbs. He was right though we reached it in no time. I landed beside him at the entrance step. Naruto and Sakura were walking out. I smiled and waved as they saw up. They walked over to us.

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