Quite the saunter

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*This chapter has part that some might find uncomfortable, I will mark the start with stars*

Today I was doing some shopping. My apartment was pretty damn empty. I had already gotten a new dining room table with two matching chairs. I also got a dresser, and new bed sheets. They're taking it all to the apartment.

"Naruko!!" A voice yelled.

I stopped looking at clothing. I looked around, spotting a waving Ino. I smiled and headed toward her. "Hey, Ino!" I hugged her and noticed a bouquet of flowers in her arms. " Those are pretty." I said in awe.

She handed me the flowers, "seems you have a secret admirer!" She said it with a grin.

I looked down at the daisies and roses. Who would give me flowers? I was caught off guard.. I saw something shiny on the top, so I picked it up. Huh, a note card?

Sorry ~ K

I went wide eyed... K... I looked around and spotted my favorite silver haired ninja. He was perched on the building. I laughed a little when he saw me looking and he scratched his neck.

Ino looked up and gasped, she pulled my arm. "No way!! Him?" She gasped with wide eyes. " kakashi sensei, of all the men..." She seemed more surprised than me. "I didn't know you two had been dating." She eyes me suspiciously now.

My face lit up, "N-Not that I know of..." I stumbled over my words and she didn't look convinced. "Really.." I smelled the flowers, So sweet. I can't believe he got me flowers to say sorry for yesterday. I cleared my throat, "Alright thank you Ino." I gave her a hug before heading back to the clothing store.

The store owner was an older lady who would always be reading something but have the eyes of a hawk. She looked up at me.

"Ah, back so soon, dear? Hmm and with flowers? I had no idea you had a lover." She said it laughing a little.

My face went beet red! Lover?!?! "H-he isn't a l-lover! He's uhh... A c-crush of mine in a way!" I blurted it out without even thinking. I whimpered and covered my eyes. Gawd I really wasn't anything under pressure.

She laughed, "oh my, well who is this crush of yours?" She asked it without even flinching at the question.

I didn't want to yell at the old lady, or lie. I watched her as she sipped her tea. "His name is Kakashi..." I whispered it just loud enough for her to hear. I let a sigh out. " Honestly, I am kind of confused by the whole thing." I said looking down at the flowers.

She nearly spit her tea out, "hatake kakashi?!"she gasped in shock.

I shrugged, "yes... Please dont say anything! " I begged, starting to go back to searching for an outfit. I really liked this one.

She laughed again, "I won't dear I'm just shocked... Him of all people got you flowers." She said it, shaking her head with a smile. She recomposed herself, " What is there to be confused about." She added it looking at me amused.

I giggled a little, even to me it sounded odd I guess. But in an unexpectedly cute way... Who knew Kakashi could be like this? I picked up the outfit and ended up buying it. I waved goodbye as I headed home. The flowers were held in one arm and a few bags in my other. It wasn't too heavy. I picked up some things for bathing and stuff.


"Hmm, she has quite the saunter to her." I heard a male voice say it from the shadow of an alley.

A shiver ran down my spine but I kept going, just ignore them. I told myself to try to feel better.

One gasped in disapproval, "Awe she's a bitch! She completely ignored us." A second male said it in a slurred voice.

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