One hell of a walk

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While I was tossing my clothes on the line, I heard a tap on the front door. I walked to the door with nothing but my underwear and bra. I opened it a little and peaked out, I had to look up. "kakashi?" I asked.

He waved at me now in dry clothes, he had on a dark blue outfit. "Hia, ready?" He asked.

I stared at him shocked, "Its been 5 minutes! I don't even have clothes on!" I snapped but then I covered my mouth.

He went wide eyed, I slammed the door. "I did not just say that!" I yelled, sinking to the floor.

"uh... just...dress for a fight...." Kakashi answered in a monotone voice.

I groaned, great now he thinks I'm a freak. I got dressed into my outfit from before which was my mission one. I slowly opened the door, my face red, "I'm ready.." I whispered. I was hoping he would let it slide.

"Glad to see you're dressed at least." That hit me like a pan, I turned away blushing even more. He chuckled, "ready?" He placed a hand on my head and let a breath out. "Sorry..." He mumbled it amused.

I stopped looking back at him a little surprised, " Why are you saying sorry? " I asked him, bewildered.

He scratched his head, "Well I was being...a guy I guess." He said it lightly. He wouldn't really look me in the eyes. It almost looked like he was blushing.

I smiled softly at him and hugged him, " I was the one that said something stupid first." I said it and waited awkwardly thinking he wasn't going to hug me back. I was relieved when I felt his arms wrap around me returning the hug, "so... uhh ready for this walk?" He asked as we let go of eachother.

I giggled, "Yep... oh and that fight you aren't telling me about." I held my hands behind my back as I looked up at him knowingly.

He stiffened, staring down at me. "how?" He asked, thrown off by my spot on guess.

I stepped back, "well I just guessed but...I said that when I got back it was you and me! But I'm sure you want to test Sakura and Naruto also." I took a few steps back before heading down the steps with him following close behind.

He sighed, "Well... you surely have grown. But I can see that you seem smarter than before." He said it as an observation. He stared down at me intensely. It was like he was watching every movement.

I tilted my head thinking for a moment, " While I haven't gotten a gauge of Sakura, Naruto has gotten better in both areas. But he's...the same after it all in some way." I told him then paused, noticing our location, I gasped slightly and remembered something. We stood outside a bookstore, I held my hand up to Kakashi, " one moment please!" I said it excited as I went in after a nod from him.

He watched me curiously as I scared the book shelfs looking for the title I wanted. "Hmm.." He glanced at the books then me, " What are you looking for?" He was amused by me. His eyes lit up, almost trying not to laugh at me.

I tilted my head holding a finger to my lips, " Hmm.. You'll just have to see!" I said it smiling then went wide eyed reaching behind him grabbing the book I was looking for, it made him jump a little. I went over to the register quickly before he could see.

"Young lady...uhhh... you know what this book is right?" I glared at him, making him freeze. "Sorry but I do." I said in a jokingly dark voice.

He laughed, patting my head, "Ah Naruko, good you still got it." I smiled, paying for the book. I waved at Tony as we left, he had worked at a bookstore in a couple towns over. I bought books from him all the time. Kakashi followed behind curiously.

I pulled the book out looking at it in all its glory, the brand new ' Make out tactics volume 1'. I took a breath, I loved the smell of books.

I heard a gasp, so I looked up at kakashi. "what?" He looked like a statue. I blinked, "don't tell me you're shocked that I am reading the book?" I looked at him with caution, was he really about to judge me? After a while he returned to normal walking beside me, I put my book away and looked up at the sky. There wasn't a cloud in sight at the moment.

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