Kiss me not

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The looks that flashed across his face betrayed him, he was scared but then he pushed me off of him before jumping to sakura and yanking her out of the way of falling debris. He let her go, stepping back and turning away, a pink shade to his face. Then he glanced at me annoyed but grateful at the same time.

Kakashi helped me to my feet, I smiled at him softly and apologized, "Sorry about that..." I said it looking at Sakura who was also red in the face but silent. I was mostly surprised by that.

The Lord Hokage rubbed his temples, "I need to think, get the anbu in her to start cleaning up and fixing stuff." He ordered it then looked at us all. " The apartment you had is still there, doubles try to stick together." He mumbled it half caring what we actually did as long as it didn't cause any more trouble.

I snorted and grabbed Kakashi's hand. I was about to say no way when Kakashi leaned down telling me to relax. I sighed and looked away defeated.

" We will deal with this tomorrow." He mumbled. Lady Hokage and Jiraiya stayed as we all left. We all went separate ways.

As we left I went up to Naruto and hugged him, "you came for me and that means so much... I really do love you Naruto, you're really a brother to me." I told him with tears in my eyes. Then I pinched his check, "Don't do something so stupid again!" I added sternly.

He looked completely caught off guard, and he hugged me tightly, his arms locked around my neck. " I love you to sis! I'm so happy to have you." He cried. "I will always jump after you! Believe it!" He said it in a serious tone.

I laughed and then squeezed him before pulling away. " Now go explore since we won't be here for long, Although I can't say it is all that much different." His eyes lit up and ran off. I smiled after him and went walking on my own.

Kakashi appeared next to me like magic, " I appreciate your bond." He told me, watching Naruto run off.

I smiled up at him, " are you jelly?" I teased him. I was just messing with him in a way, sure kakashi COULD be but the chances seemed low.

He laughed and my heart melted, he looked down at me and he smiled, " why would I be jelly of that... He can't make you look at him like that ... "He said it softly. He pinched my cheek then sighed, " this place is throwing me off... It smells and sounds off..." He said it looking around on edge.

I laughed lightly, " I know... It's odd to be-" Suddenly Kakashi spun me away from arms that tried to grab me. He looked back alarmed then relaxed as he saw the group of mostly girls. He pushed me forward then into the arms that had just tried to grab me.

"It is her!!! '' Kiba screamed in my ear and I whimpered. Kiba smushed me in a hug before letting me go. She smirked down at me, " Dang nar-ko you grew up! You're smoking now!" She said laughing and my face lit up. She released me from her death grip hug.

I sighed and brushed myself off, " just when I got used to the other Kiba... " I said, sighing. Those two probably had the biggest energy change.

Her eyes sparked, " Speaking of other Kiba, look who we found!" They pushed forward Naruto. I smiled at him weakly, " hey bud... See, your adventure didn't last too long..." I said it, patting his back and pushing him off. " get lost naruto." I pointed off and he went running again. He looked back at the girls in horror.

They all stared at me in awe, " you really have grown up..." Shika(girl) said it in a lazy voice. She studied me curiously.

I smiled, " I hope so, so how have you guys been?" I asked and reached back grabbing Kakashi's vest as he tried to sneak away. He let out a long breath and returned to where he had been. He pulled out his book not wanting to be a part of the conversation.

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