Down the rabbit hole

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I trailed behind Kakashi as we raced across a grass covered field. It was very pretty but also seemingly endless. Kakashi said we were almost there so when would we reach the village? I noticed Kakashi stopped and I stopped behind him. He was looking down a hole?

"What's this kakashi?" I asked it looking down the dark hole. I got a sinking feeling in my stomach suddenly.

He turned to me and smiled, " well it's not called the village hidden in the earth for nothing. This is the entrance to the tunnel that leads to the village underground." He explained it and patted my head.

I crouched down, I didn't see a rope or ladder. "how do you get-"

Suddenly he jumped down and I nearly screamed. "Kakashi?!" My shout echoed down the hole and without thinking I jumped down also. Might not have been my best moment.. I felt faint as the pressure suddenly changed.

I landed in Kakashi's arms and basically passed out. My vision blurred, " I don't feel so good..." I mumbled then was out with my head pounding.


" uh... Is she okay?" I heard a child's voice ask.

Kakashi laughed, " yes... She just jumped down the entrance for the first time." He said, amused. His hand rubbed my back as he spoke.

The child laughed, " oh I see... I hope she is alright." I felt something on my face. " she is really pretty..."

Kakashi sighed but didn't say anything. I couldn't help but moan out a laugh. "What's so funny, Naruko?" Kakashi asked me as I came to.

I rubbed my face and realized Kakashi was carrying me through a street? It looked like a normal village except everything seemed more... Brown... And when I looked up there was just a ceiling of earth. We had reached the village I suppose.

I looked up at Kakashi and answered him, "You're funny that's what." I joked.

He sighed and shook his head. We reached what I was realizing was the center of the village. Kakashi placed me on my feet and waited for me to balance out. Then he pinched my cheek, " Jumping down a hole after me huh?" He said, half amused. Then he flicked my forehead, " don't do that again." He said it with a frown.

I shook my head, "yeah right, are you kidding me? I would jump into the wolves to save you kakashi." I said it back without a second thought.

He just stared at me with his one eye and sighed, " come on." He said in a defeated voice heading into the building.

I smiled and skipped after him, " say kakashi-sensei isn't it weird to only ever look out of one eye?" I asked with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes and kept going silently. Then we reached a door and the guards stopped us and we presented our passports and IDs. We were brought into a room that reminded me of Lady Hokage's office.

I looked around the plain office, the only color were red curtains covering the useless windows. I noticed an old man sitting at a desk. He noticed us at the same time and looked up. Kakashi bowed so I mirrored him.

Then we jumped right in, " Naruko and Kakashi, ninja from the leaf. You have reached us sooner than expected. Everything worked out in the mist?" He asked it in an odd accent.

I nodded, "yes, we handled it." We were not allowed to share information on it so I stayed brief.

We eventually received a list of things that needed fixing along with living arrangement information and so on. I can just say I was glad to get out of that room. I let out a breath as soon as we exited the building I looked up and felt uneasy... Trapped even.

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