I am here

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I stared at the wall with my knees to my chest in front of Kakashi's door. It was probably stupid but I didn't want to be alone any longer than I needed to be. I held a kunai in my hand watching the dust floating in the moonlight coming in through a window.

Once an hour had passed I got up and went into my apartment. I found a vase for the flowers and placed it in the middle of my new table. Then I put the bags on the table. I went into the bedroom and got ready for bed. I had on a thigh high nightgown. It was a peachy color. I liked it. I let my hair down and brushed it. I heard a knock on my front door and went to it. "Who is it?" I asked weakly, I had to be careful from now on.

"It's Kakashi, Are you okay?" His voice was strained, he was worried.

I peaked the door open looking at him, "Im okay..." I said it without smiling.

" You are not ok, Naruko!!" He pushed open the door more and came in making me stumble back a little. He grabbed a washcloth and started to wipe at my face. I just stayed still and silent. Ahh... Right I was sliced twiced, slapped and thrown down the steps... He went to wipe down the rest of me but stopped. He went to hand me the cloth.

"Please just do it kakashi." I said it in a cracked voice. I didn't know how to feel at the moment. I just knew I couldn't move. Maybe I wasn't so tough...

He visibly flinched at my pain, but went to work wiping away the blood. I started to relax a little under his touch and eyes. After he was done he stood up.

" Naruko... Did they do anything to you? Can you tell me what happened?"
He asked in a soft voice. I could tell that he didn't want to bring it up, he must be doing it at the request of Hokage.

I closed my eyes, " I was just heading home and they started following me. I thought I would be alright once I reached home. But they actually come up stairs. I couldn't get into my apartment fast enough. One spun me away from the door and another slapped me. They had super strength. I thought one cut me on my arm." I ran my fingers over the slice, my skin burned under my fingers. " I was right. But anyway I tried to fight but guess I'm weak... They put tape over my mouth and dragged me into the dark end of the hall when you started up the stairs. I got cut on the throat a little that's why I had whimpered...I knew you heard me... But still when you left I got so scared... They pushed me down the stairs..." I touched my recently bleeding nose. I think I also had a broken rib. "But I took the chance to run. Two followed I roundhouse kicked one and head butted the other then dove in the bush when you fought them." I was crying now.

Kakashi let out an angry breath. " son of a bitch... You're not weak, Naruko. It was 5 against one. They also had super strength. It was even a challenge for me. That's why I left. I was hoping that maybe they would split up. I didn't want to leave but it was the best chance to catch them off guard" He said it and then placed a hand on my head. He looked actually upset, was my pain his pain?

I just fell into Kakashi then and started crying. He caught me and carried me to my room. He laid me in bed. For a while he petted my head while I cried.

"Naruko you should get some sleep." He said it in a worried voice. He stood up to leave.

I grabbed his sleeve, "don't go..." I looked up at him terrified.

He sighed, " Naruko... I will be right next door... You're safe." He looked unsure what to do as he looked at me.

I shook my head and pulled again. " please... I know.. I-it sounds bad but stay the night, change into your pjs... Kakashi I feel safe with you." I said it in a rush, I knew I was asking for a lot considering I didn't know if he actually liked me like that. But right now I just wanted him here...

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